heel! (kiribaku x reader)

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It had gone better than you could’ve expected, as mild as your expectations are when it comes to being Bakugou's manager.
Another hero agency merged with Ground Zero, the addition sure to boost important stats and guarantee a surge in growth on the popularity charts!
For the last few years, you’ve been trying to get his stubborn ass to agree to some internships and get himself a sidekick.
Mainly to help his image since his brash attitude can be quite abrasive when there’s nobody else around to smooth it over, he needs contrast.

To celebrate properly you’d arranged some things, mainly buying out a club so it’d be free of civilians.
Then, maybe tossing some more money on so the security footage wouldn’t go anywhere if something were to happen.

You’d been Bakugou’s manager for long enough that curbing scandals brought on by his temper became second nature.
Letting him unwind in such a public venue came with risks but making the new partners feel welcome was more important than him drunkenly telling some mid-tier hero to go fuck themselves.

And, so far into the night, things were going well.
You watched him from a distance as a precaution, nursing a soda while the music shook the floor beneath your heels.

The club scene hadn’t ever been something that you sought out but it was hard to say you weren’t enjoying yourself, though you became increasingly worried as whoever decided to chat Bakugou up was smothering him with attention.

Despite your squinting to try and see who it was, you couldn’t figure it out, the low lighting mixed with the crowd of people everywhere making it impossible to do so from so far away.
The only reason you knew it was Bakugou next to the stranger was because he hadn’t moved away from the bar since he got here.

To anyone else, it’d seem as if Bakugou was passively nodding along but the short fuse of his patience was very close to burning down.
You had to do something, fast.

While you sat your drink down you did a scan for Kirishima, the only person you’ve seen able to reduce his anger by any amount, spotting the mane of red hair easily since he’s at least half a foot taller than everyone else.
Making your way across the sea of half-drunk to fully gone party-goers wasn’t as easy, but thankfully he noticed you right as you came close.

“Oh! Hey there! Have you met-!”
Kirishima's voice cut through the noise as he gestures to the circle of friends he has around him but stops speaking when you shake your head to imply urgency.
To cut the time needed to scream over the music, you just point over in the direction of the building conflict, and he understands instantly.

You follow after him since the crowd naturally parted to let him through, taking a peek around him to check on Bakugou.
So close and yet so far, he’d started yelling.

Kirishima put his hand on Bakugou's shoulder as he got close, offering his usual charming smile.
“Is this really necessary bro? C’mon, leave him be!”

His voice carried well over the music, but Bakugous was far louder.
“No! Fuck him, n’ fuck you too! He’s got a stupid fuckin’ point n’ I don’t fuckin’ agree! Don’t have to! New sidekick be damned I am not-!”

The rest of his words didn’t even reach you, dread pooling in your stomach as a mixture of anger and pure loathing washed over you.

Of course! Of course, he’s arguing with the only reason you’re celebrating in the first place!
Now that you could clearly see who was with him, as well as the context he was screaming, it became apparent exactly what had happened.

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