No Matter What (OT16)

Start from the beginning

And so, one of them eventually came up... with a solution.


"Thank you again for doing this. I know tonight was supposed to be your night off. Don't worry, you'll be paid triple the usual price for the trouble."

"Hyung, it's alright," chuckled Hongjoong, patting Chan's shoulder in comfort. "We don't mind at all. Plus, you know how much Hwa adores Lixie – if he could spend his life here, he would, and I doubt any of the others would oppose to it."

Chan offered him a smile at that, relaxing a bit. Tonight was supposed to be movie night with Felix but, unfortunately, something happened at one of their warehouses – an incident that required everyone's involvement. Of course, they couldn't leave Felix home alone, hence why they'd called upon his usual babysitters.

"He's about four years old right now, but he's likely to slip deeper later tonight," explained Minho as he stroked Felix's hair, the younger's head laid on his lap as he slept. "He's taken a bath earlier, and he's allowed fast food since it's Friday, so feel free to order anything."

"I know the drill, Minho," chuckled Seonghwa, gazing adoringly at the Little. "We've been his babysitters for almost two years, now – we're used to this."

Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and their merry band of misfits (as they lovingly called their younger boyfriends) had been a god-sent blessing. By pure coincidence, the incident in which Felix was involved let to Stray Kids claiming the whole district, and thus saving ATEEZ (a smaller faction of the gang that previously occupied the area).

Hongjoong had fallen in debt with the gang, and he and his boyfriends had been forced to do some seriously dirty work for them until Stray Kids finally freed them. And, upon learning that they were all experienced Caregivers (in their free time, they worked in elementary schools, nursing homes, and Little Adoption Centers, amongst many other things), Chan had immediately seized the opportunity.

ATEEZ wanted a way to repay their debt, but they also needed a way to heal from all the atrocious things their old gang put them through – and Stray Kids needed babysitters to care for Felix while they kept on working, in addition to capable Caregivers who would teach them how to, well, be Caregivers.

It had taken a few months for everyone to learn to trust each other but, today, they could all say with confidence that it had been worth it. ATEEZ absolutely loved Felix, and Stray Kids greatly depended on them. They'd built up a trusting, respectful relationship, and it was without doubt that Stray Kids considered ATEEZ their only true friends.

"Lixie, sweetheart," softly called out Jisung, now crouching beside the curled up Little, gently rubbing his ear. "Wake up, baby."

They'd made the mistake of leaving without telling him once – and they never made it again.

With a few grumbles, Felix finally woke up. He looked a little groggy, his eyes still half-closed and his hair completely disheveled as he pushed himself up, the others around cooing a bit at how cute he looked while trying to regain his bearings – and then the Little quirked up as he saw Seonghwa.


"Hi, lovie," grinned the older, instantly opening his arms.

They saw each other practically every day, but it was always endearing just how happy Felix was every time he saw one of his babysitters. The freckled boy literally threw himself into Seonghwa's arms, his babysitter laughing as he easily caught him with his enhanced Caregiver strength.

"Come on, flower. Your daddies have to go to work, now. Let's say goodbye and then we can go and pick a movie, hm?"

Nodding excitedly, Felix wiggled out of his arms and ran toward all of his Caregivers, who were now waiting by the door. After a thorough round of hugs and kisses, the Little bid them goodbye and goodnight one last time before they all left. The moment the door closed behind them, however, soft sniffles caught San's attention.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now