While you were sleeping

Start from the beginning

She stayed quiet.

He moved the aim from her head towards her thigh and pulled the trigger.

She jerked her leg, using the last atoms of her strength not to scream and show weakness.

"Don't fucking kill everyone, for God's sake!"

Hoseok screamed through his earpiece.

"Name?" he asked again, stepping on the fresh wound made by the bullet.

"M-Misa," she whimpered in agonizing pain.

"Not your name, dumb bitch. You know what I mean!"

He applied more pressure on her wounded thigh, incentivizing her to talk, but she remained silent.

"Leave her for now. Go find Y/N and ensure they don't take her."

Jin spoke calmly in his ear.

He groaned in annoyance and squatted down to tie up her hands and legs and ducktape her mouth. Roughly he tied her thigh to slow down the blood loss.

They needed at least one of them alive.

And girls were always much quicker to talk, so it was just so convenient to keep her in life for at least a little while.

Misa was already losing her conscience as he left the room and headed towards the stairs to find Y/N.

He walked backward, ensuring that no one could jump on him from behind. He felt someone's presence behind him and cautiously turned around.

Ah, there you are.

Quickly he climbed the stairs, skipping three steps at a time. You were slow, barely moving, and almost falling once he reached you.

He grabbed you before you fell.

"She's with me, not wounded, but very drugged."

He informed the men on the other side of the line.

"Good, please call the doctor and clean everything."

Jin replied.

"Will do."

He said while holding your unconscious limp body in his firm, lean arms.

"Thank you, Yoongi. We will leave everything to you now."

Jin replied and cut off the connection.

Yoongi proceeded to carry you towards your room, peeking into each room to ensure they were empty and checking whether they seemed to belong to you.

Once he placed you on your bed, his earpiece buzzed, and he answered.

"Boss, we are here. What is the protocol?"

"Get doctor Jeon to come ASAP. How many of you are there?"

"Noted. There are twenty of us. We are entering Jung's property now, boss."

"That should be enough. Scope the whole property and mansion for anyone alive, and don't kill them. We also have to clean everything and make it seem as if nothing happened. Get anyone necessary to complete this mission successfully. We have until evening."

"Understood, boss."

Yoongi exhaled and looked again at your pale body.

He inspected your room thoroughly, checking every corner and inch.

The bathroom was his first stop, and he looked at the almost empty bowl of soup. He sniffled and licked it, trying to find the source of the poisoning.

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