Chapter 15

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The night has come to capture Elara.

It fell on the night of the Summer Festival, a perfect distraction.

Guards were stationed in the bustling city, as the night life boomed.

A steady stream of traffic into and around Archeon served as the perfect cover.

All throughout the day, Kaida had fretted.

Was the plan too simple? Would Elara just comply without a fight?

Kaida knew how unpredictable she could be, and the last thing they wanted was a display of her madness.

Once the sun fully sets, Kaida begins her descent deep into the belly of the Palace, making her way down the white spiral staircase.

The light around her dims and the walls become tighter, the pathways, more narrow.

She reaches the basement, now eerily deserted.

A portal door with an old metallic ring as a handle is creaked open.

Everything around here is older, not used to being moved around much.

Kaida quickly enters and closes the door, here in this dark alcove she comes face to face with Cleo.

There is a tiny yellow lamp hanging from the ceiling, flickering every so often.

It casts a fluorescent yellow glow on the two women.

Cleo is impossibly calm, nothing could phase her at all. She was tough.

Her short braided Bob had been gathered into a half-up ponytail, almost spiky looking at the back of her head.

"Are you ready?"

Cleo is the picture of seriousness, her dark eyes staring into Kaida's.

Kaida fishes something out of her side, moving her braids out of the way.

It was a Red maid's outfit.

She hands it to Cleo delicately.

"Yes. You know what to do, get to the Queen's Study. Blend in. Say you're covering for Yelena and then just follow orders. Do as Elara says, and do it perfectly. Her eyes are sharp."

Kaida dispels all the nerves she had, there was no time for that now.

She finds it easy to give orders, all everyone had to do was think logically and act natural.

If they followed the steps, nothing could go wrong.

Cleo nods and begins changing immediately, stripping out of her trousers and into the plain red garment.

She pulls her hair down and shakes it out.

"How do I look?"

Cleo smooths down the dress and flashes a glimpse of her mischievous smile.

Kaida raises a brow.

"Uhhh, like a servant."

In response, Cleo scrunches her nose.

The idea is appalling. Scrubbing at the floors the Silvers tread on. Cleo would rather die.

"Get rid of the rebellious spirit, Cleo. This is just another disguise. You're good at those, shapeshifter. Be meek and obedient and-"


Cleo finishes.

She relaxes, diminishing her frame and crossing her hands in front of her.

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