Chapter 11

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It is Duel Day for the Silvers.

All the youths have gathered as the instructor watches on, ready to assess their progress and ability levels.

Kaida has been invited to watch, and this time, she cannot spy from the comfort of a high-up balcony.

She is exposed as she sits right at the front, on the King's left hand side, while Elara sits on his right.

The spectators sit on one side of the bowl shaped arena, taking up a little section of the white seats which surround the floor space.

Kaida peers down and each House stands together.

She spots a few of her friends, leading their Houses.

Ayala leads House Viper, Dinah leads House Iral, Evangeline leads House Samos, Axton leads House Macanthos and they are dressed in their training gear, in an assortment of colours to match their Houses.

There are others present too, members of House Pietron, Rhambos, Skonos, Avanos but Kaida does not recognise them.

The only thing she feels is the excited buzz of their energies and the power coursing through their bodies.

There is a chatter in the air as the first match is about to begin.

Maven slips a hand into hers, holding it by his side as they watch.

Elara holds a beautiful blue feathered fan decorated with pink cherry blossoms which she delicately and slowly waves in front of her face.

"I, Hassan Alexander of House Pietron challenge Oliver of House Beamos to a duel."

Members of House Pietron can inflict unforgivable pain with just a single glance, while members of House Beamos can teleport to wherever they wish.

The two boys face off against each other.

Kaida only knows one other teleporter, Shade Barrow, who happens to be a member of the Scarlet Guard and brother to Mare Barrow, a fugitive on the run.

The duel begins and before Hassan Pietron has time to lay eyes on his target, the other boy vanishes...

...only to appear directly behind Hassan, landing a firm punch on the back of his head.

The audience Ooos while Hassan stumbles.

Oliver Beamos toys with his opponent, popping up here and there, dealing painful hits.

The Pietron boy begins to tire, he knows combat is not his strong suit, all he needs is one window.

He wipes the Silver blood from his split eye, keeping his vision unclouded.

As the battle goes on, an advisor keeps appearing behind Maven, bending to deliver information.

Kaida has one ear on their conversation while she watches on.

Something about the War, so it loses her interest.

As the fight progresses, the Beamos boy tries to pull the same stunt twice, appearing behind Hassan.

Hassan reads it, and before Oliver can disappear somewhere else, Hassan spins around lightning quick and grabs him firmly by the neck, crushing his windpipe as he lifts him high up.

Oliver's legs dangle freely below him, as he is lifted from the floor.

Hassan's eyes open wide, and he lets out a chilling smile, an evil aura covers him before he begins his torment.

Oliver begins to shriek a skull splitting shriek, clawing at his face and eyes.

His whole body is on fire, it feels like all his cells are bursting at the same time, only to be restored and die again, within milliseconds.

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