Chapter 7

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Kaida felt Maven's hands completely let her go, he would have burnt her otherwise.

Maven's thighs instinctively clenched, tightening around Kaida.


Kaida warned, her tone sharp.

He was silent for a bit, focusing himself. He was in control, just about.

"Let me get this straight. While you were a prisoner at the base, brought there by Elias himself, he thought it reasonable to kiss you? Without. Your. Consent."

The thought of it just served to piss him off even more, and it was more frustrating that Elias wasn't anywhere near here.

Who knows what would have happened if Elias were to walk into the room at that exact moment...

Kaida turned around, pushing the foot stool away as she knelt in front of Maven.

She placed a cautious arm on his thigh.

"Yes. He did. I fell for it, before I realised it wasn't you. I knew this would upset you, so I debated telling you, but I felt guilty about hiding it."

"Upset. Upset isn't the word I would use."

Maven was close to completely floating away after these two incidences in one day where he wanted to erupt.

He was sure he had never been so vexed all in the same 24 hours.

Kaida could see he was struggling to tame the fire as his aura danced around him.

She began to rub slow circles into his thigh, then she slunk down and rested her head on it.

Maven was still silent, he couldn't speak.

He knew pure venom would spill from his lips and it would be unpleasant, so he just kept quiet and still.

After Maven had finished imagining the 1000 different ways he would kill Elias, he exhaled heavily.

Then laid a gentle hand on Kaida's head.

"I am glad you decided to tell me after all. No matter my reaction, you can tell me anything. Anything."

Kaida just hummed.

The real guilt began creeping in.

'No, I cannot tell you anything Maven. Not when the whole Kingdom lies in the balance.'

Kaida thought internally. 

If he found out she was working with the Guard, she couldn't even fathom how he would react.

After a moment, Maven pulled her up with him and led her to the mirror.

He watched behind her as she admired his handiwork.

Kaida patted the neat cornrows on her head.

With her hair completely out of the way, she felt so clear and stripped back,

Almost vulnerable.

Maven smoothly used her waist to spin her around and kept his arm there as he pulled her into his arms once more.

"You are mine. The thought of anyone apart from me having access to you, it could drive me mad. You do not know the lengths I could go to...the monster I could become, all for you."

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