Chapter 3

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A few days had passed since Kaida's arrival.

On one occasion, they wanted to see her ability, curious to see if Kaida was strong enough.

She chose Elias as her muse, and they had all gathered.

Kaida stood focused, feet apart.

She grabbed hold of the swirling energy radiating from Elias and with her piercing gaze he became alight.

The magnetism running through every cell, every fibre and tissue.

Elias spoke out loud

"I can feel her. But I feel everything else. The metal in the rocks, I can taste it. The magnetic disturbance in the air, the waves, I can see it. This is insane."

He looked up and they all followed his gaze.

They were gathered at the edge of the compound, and there stood a heavy steel electricity pylon.

It was 100 feet tall, and completely abandoned.

Wires hung off it like black rubber serpents, snaking their way over the steel lattice framework

Elias raised a hand, and so easily and effortlessly, it lifted off the floor.

It creaked and groaned having being displaced from it's everlasting place.

The birds that had nested at the top, flew away cawing.

Elias held a palm up and it rose higher.

With a blink of her eye, Kaida cut off his ability, silencing him.

The gigantic pylon quickly dropped, gravity taking hold of it, dragging it down again.

It shook the earth as it landed.

Farley let out a whistle.

Elias looked at both of his palms, and then back at Kaida.

"Now I feel nothing. My abilities are gone. It feels like a thick heavy blanket is smothering me. It's all Kaida."

Kaida nodded and quickly turned back the imaginary dial in her head to its original setting, restoring Elias's powers.

They all dispersed soon after, leaving Kaida and Elias alone.

He was still in awe. He had never been able to lift something so big before, with so little ease.

"You're incredible."

Elias smoothed down his hair, as he loved to do. Running a palm across the waves.

Then he stared at Kaida, and the knot in his stomach grew tighter.

Elias was so glad she had come into his workshop that day.

Kaida shrugged, she just worked with what other people provided.

"There is a little campfire tonight, you should come. It's just some of the older ones hanging out."

Kaida folded her lips, her dimple making an appearance.

"I'll think about it."

She turned, but half of her face was still visible, letting Elias see the hint of a smile on her face.

She left him in suspense and Elias watched her retreat, enjoying her usual easy-going but graceful saunter.


Later that night, Kaida found herself seated on washed out logs, set up around a blazing bonfire right on the beach.

She found a seat, and dug her boots into the sand.

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