Kakashi pondered her idea for a moment, a glimmer hidden in his eyes. "Why don't you have Irukas team get tutoring with me?"
'Preferably without the idiot' he thought to himself.
Zhejas smile faded by the second. "Ohh, well... I'll think about it Kakashi." She watched the way his shoulders slumped. "Ok, you're dismissed for now, have a nice day!"

Kakashi left class, irritated with the way she gently ruffled his hair when he walked out. What an interesting teacher.

The next day, Oikama sensei gave them new exercises to work on. This weeks focus was safety on the battlefield, where best to hide during a back and forth with the enemy, and how to protect your blind spots.

Annoyingly for Kakashi but amusing for the rest of the class, Zheja kept calling Kakashi to step out for each example, showing everyone what they had to do. Each student would fight at least five other people in the class, discovering wether they were better at close combat or long distance combat. The next week, once they found their strengths, they would use them to their best ability for the rest of the months duels.

Kakashi kept trying to duel with y/n, constantly getting distracted by Genma Asuma and Gai. After having a turn with each of them, he finally turned to her.

"It's you and me noww." He singonged. She looked away, not even realizing Kakashi was talking to her. Kakashi pulled out a kunai, gripping her hip and pulling her towards him. He lined the cold weapon to her neck. "When you don't keep an eye on your opponent, you might just pay for it with your life." He whispered into her ear, watching her twist his wrist away and hop back, turning to face him.

The class went silent waiting for their match to begin. "You can do it y/n!" Iruka and Mizuki both cheered as people who formed part of her team. Their cheers somewhat got drowned out by Gai and Genmas shouts. The class fell silent again as they began to circle one another.

"I'll let you make the first move." Kakashi winked confidently, watching her take out a kunai. Y/n threw it at Kakashi, observing  him dodge it. She saw the panic settle on his face when he realized it was laced with a paperbomb, getting the hell away from the kunai right before it exploded.

When Kakashi looked back at y/n, she wasn't in place anymore, it was as though she had vanished. "Well done! Observe class, look how y/n is following orders for this weeks topic, finding good hiding places after successfully distracting the enemy." Zheja sensei piped in. Although Kakashi already knew where she was, she had hidden well, and she would pay for what could have happened to him.

He could see her chakra with his sharingan, up in the tree. The rest of the class wouldn't be able to see them if they fought up there. He created a shadowclone that pretended to cluelessly look for y/n on ground level, whilst he silently joined her on the branch she was standing on. Y/n was observing his shadowclone down below, whilst intently sharpening her kunai, unaware he was also behind her.

He watched her throw the kunai from the tree branch and into his clones neck, his clone disappearing, revealing her location. A murmur went through the class below when they wondered where both of them were standing.

Meanwhile, Kakashi grabbed her neck from behind, pulling her back then slamming her into the tree. "Ah-!" Her pained cry was muffled by Kakashis hand. He began choking her as he asked. "Really? Really you'd blow me to bits just like that with no hesitation?" Y/n kicked Kakashi, infusing some chackra in her foot, something she had learned watching a skilled byakugan user fight. Her technique was a pale laughable version, but still very unexpected and useful. The kick made Kakashi completely lose balance and wobble for a moment, gripping y/ns hair and pulling her towards him. The fall could likely injure them both.
"And you wouldn't mind throwing a kunai into my neck, hmm?"

Psycho Kakashi - ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now