This never happens. It's impossible, especially since she is human. But her sense are so high that she can feel it, hear it.

It brings tears to her eyes.

"Did it work?"

She hears one of them speak.

A sigh is released. "It is a headache, truly." It's Jin's voice.

Someone chuckles. "So the day has come where hyung does not know what to do."

"It is not as easy as you speak."

"Explain hyung. What is the matter?" This voice belongs to Namjoon.

"It is unusual. The magic i prepared for her rejected her body immediately. It was like she had a mana that refused to consume it."

"Mana? Hyung, she is a human. It must have been the black magic she already had over her when she came here."

"That darkness is gone completely. It withered as time went by. She no longer has Jihyun's mana on her to protect her. It was something el-"

The voices cease as she steps into the kitchen. She knows they smelled the blood on her before they even saw her, judging by how all their heads snap towards her.

She is under seven pairs of studious eyes, but Jin is the only one who looks wide eyed, as if he is shocked at what he sees.

Good. He now knows the real truth.

The blood on her neck and face is the perfect contrast over her pale skin. It looks mouthwatering even. Eyes as dead as their own, she could be easily mistaken for a vampire, especially paired with the long black stands of hair that surrounds her face and all over her back and waist.

"I guess your experiment did work in the end." Jungkook mumbles from his place next to Jin. The meals placed before them is left cold, the already tasteless food no longer having their attention.

It's on the girl before them. Indeed nothing compares to the sweet smell of blood. Especially if it's from a human and a woman at that.

"It is impossible." Jin finally speaks, his brows frowning. "I didn't do anything yet."

That brings silence to set in. And with that comes curiosity.

She is human, that much is confirmed. But it is the one inside her that shows its power. The child no doubt takes over its father.

Her eyes are slowly turning dazed and before she can collapse, she needs to drink. Her eyes trail down the dinning table.

A few flick around the table and she doesn't spot the clear liquid she craves for. Who is she kidding? Of course they don't have water over their dinning table. All she sees are the clear wine glasses containing the redest liquid.


Maybe her mind is hazy. Maybe she has finally lost it. But she needs to wet her throat.

She steps towards them, eyes set on the glass of blood. She doesn't check who it belongs to, only that it looks mouthwatering.

Her blood covered hand lands right on to the glass, small palm gripping the top. No one says anything, nor do they stops her.

Only watch and it takes a moment to realize the challenge towards her. Her gaze flick up for a second and she sees the eagerness on the gaze of the man sitting right in front of her.

He is the one who did this to her.

And right now, he is smiling all teeth, showing how he loves the way he is the reason she is like this. That she is on the verge of death. He is challenging her to go ahead and drink it. But he is already disappointed.

He knows she won't drink it.

But he doesn't know what she is going through. If she could right now, she will even eat raw meet to stop the whining of her stomach.

She picks up the glass, tired eyes looking at the thick liquid inside. She brings it up to her face, wanting to confirm her guess. She sniffs the liquid and immediately turn her head away at the strong smell.

Her stomach almost doubles over as she feels the extreme urge to throw up.

Quickly collecting herself, she tips her head back and drowns the blood in one gulp.

The metallic taste is horrible over her tongue and it's too thick for water. Her face scrunch up in disgust, lips now coated red.

The back of her hand come over her mouth, frowning deep as she wipes away the blood.
But through all that torture, it does the work. The thorns in her throat melt and she can breath a bit properly now.

She puts down the glass and finally looks towards the one who owned it.

Her eyes meet the darkness of another and she feels her breath hitch in her throat.

He is already looking up at her, eyes as blank but so deep that she feels her head spin. They are flashing specks of red, smooth dark hair resting over his forehead and the top of his eyes.

She thinks she has seen him for the first time. Maybe he was always there. She remembers them being together many times, but she was too busy not panicking and running away to look at him properly.

He is so tall, too broad with a defined face. His face is close to her from where he sits to where she stands next to him. He is so intimidating that she doesn't notice her legs shaking.

She takes a step back and his piercing gaze follow. She can tell from his face that he didn't give much mind to her gulping down his drink, but his eyes are too unreadable. It takes him too long before he looks away and without much care, he refills his glass again. He doesn't even bother with the smugde of blood her fingers has left on the glass.

He picks it up and takes a sip and she doesn't know what to feel when she sees that he had taken it from right where her lips were a moment ago. It doesn't mean anything. She can tell from how detached he is from the rest of the table, as if in his own mind.

She also looks away, scowling at the taste that still lingers in her tongue. Her breathing picks up, head now spinning as her bones are gripped with fatigue again. The only thing that made her walk till here was the glass of water to wet her throat.

Her gaze flick up at the man in front of her and feels the satisfaction when she sees the wonder in his now wide eyes. He really thought that she won't drink the blood.

She goes to turn around, wanting to hide before she could collapse again. But she is stopped by a hand on her upper arm. It grips her skin and she is turned around.

Jin is tilting his head down at her before he part his mouth and questions. "How did you wake up?"


YA'LL!! The way she- Queen behavior. Ya'll see know how sexy that was of her. However. That is too painful if you imagine yourself in that condition TT WHY THE FUCK DO I WRITE THESE SCENES.

Also she met a certain someone if ya'll notice 👀👀

Leave lots of love in your way.


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