Didn’t Coach Wu’s silly b(eta) say that he flopped in the pool like a wild monkey? He just let him see that the wild monkey can also win the championship!

Later, Li Cheng participated in more and more competitions and became more and more famous in the lane, and he won countless trophies. He also gradually realized how much pressure Wu Xu was under such good conditions to recruit him and cultivate him.

In order to live up to the trust of the coach, Li Cheng has always been strict with himself, and practice one hour more than other students every day.


I don't know what's wrong today, Li Cheng only swam five more backs and forth, and felt that (body shen) body was extremely exhausted, and his arms were a little unable to move.

He decided to go ashore and rest.

But as soon as he left the pool, the sudden loss of buoyancy caused his legs to soften and he almost fell by the pool.

No, although the amount of exercise today is large, it is not too large to make him stand still.

Seeing him getting up from the water, Coach Wu asked: "How come out?"

Li Cheng told the truth: "It's uncomfortable, it's a bit weak, I can't move my arms, there is something wrong all over the body."

Coach Wu flipped through the training schedule: "Today you can afford this amount. When you did it last week, not only did you finish it ahead of schedule, you also swam an extra two kilometers."

But Li Cheng's physical exhaustion is real. He will skip class, but he will never cheat on swimming.

Wu Xu frowned and asked him, "You tell me honestly, did you stay up late to play games yesterday?"

Li Cheng: "..."


"Little bastard!" Coach Wu threw down his slippers angrily. Li Cheng twisted his body and dodged dangerously. "Knowing that there is training today, would you still dare to stay up late to play games? Believe it or not I smashed your phone?"

Li Cheng grimaced at him: "Old bastard, who asked you to train suddenly? I have made an appointment with my teammates in the game a long time ago. There is no reason why the president is not in a team fight?"

"I am not training for your own good?" Coach Wu handed a paper document in front of him. Just as Li Cheng wanted to take it, Coach Wu threw him a (dry gan) towel and asked him to wipe his wet. paw.

Li Cheng wiped (dry gan) the water on his body, and then accepted the fluttering document as if it were ordered.

Then, froze.

"Why, can't read Chinese?" Coach Wu laughed when he saw him making a fool of himself, "Do you want me to read it for you?"

"Coach, is this true??!!!!!!" Li Cheng was going crazy, shaking his hands terribly, "I, me, can I really...?"

"Stupid boy, of course it is true!" Coach Wu laughed. "The regional qualifiers will start at the beginning of next month, and then the seedlings from the provinces will be sent to the national team for training, and finally a team will be selected-you will represent China , Participate in the World Middle School Games!!!"

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