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POV: 3rd

After Dream was brought back, things got better. George and Dream moved in together, as far away from Sam as possible of course. Dream was doing well, he spent a lot of the day trying to make up for what he did and he regained a couple of people's trust.

Of course, Tommy was still terrified of the man which is where Sam comes in. The two of them had moved into Tommy's old house after they got kicked out by George. Tommy introduced Sam to Shroud, and they both cared for the little spider like it was their dog.

"Tom! We need to expand your house!" Sam shouts up from the mines under their house.

"We literally live in a hill, where would we expand to?!" Tommy shouts back down the mines. Sam slowly climbs the ladder back up, his hands filled with stone and ores from his mining session.

"We could move and make a house all for ourselves, away from everyone," Sam proposes as he takes the final step off the ladder. Tommy reaches his hand out to help the Dragon, pulling him up all the way.

"I mean...I guess? But we have to take Shroud," Tommy reasons.

"Who do you think I am?! Of course we're bringing Shroud!" Sam says, laughing slightly at Tommy's stupidity. Sam begins to walk over to the mass of chests that has grown over the months, storing his newly collected items away.

"I just wanted to make sure," Tommy says, embarrassed.

"I get it, no need to be embarrassed," Sam says, turning around and wrapping Tommy in a hug. Tommy hugs him back and they stay like that for a little while.

This happens a lot, Tommy and Sam just stopping to hug each other. They both have gone through things in their lives that they don't talk about but it still hurts them.

After a couple of weeks of planning and a bit of sweet-talking to Wilbur, they have a plan and materials to build their new house.

"Hurry up!" Tommy shouts behind him to Sam who's lugging most of the materials to the building site.

"If you had taken more than Shroud and one stack of cobblestone I might be going faster!" Sam jokingly shouts back. He doesn't care that Tommy's excited to build their new house, he is too.

After a while of lugging materials Tommy and Sam make it to the spot where they're going to build their house. It's a small beach area with trees behind that they cleared out a bit.

The build site is far enough away from the main server to not have to deal with everyone else but closer than Snowchester so they can actually get to the main area quickly.

Sam sets down the materials he was carrying in some chests they placed there while scoping out the area and Tommy does the same with the small amount of supplies he carried.

"Now Shroud, don't wander off," Tommy says, lifting his hand up to his face so that he can speak directly to Shroud. Shroud is a slightly bigger than normal spider but still fits in Tommy's hand.

"Shroud's not going to go far, she loves you too much," Sam says, walking up behind Tommy to look at Shroud as well.

"She loves you too," Tommy says, turning to Sam. Sam just smiles knowing that Shroud and Tommy have a connection that he and Shroud don't have, maybe one day.

"Well, we should get to building!" Sam says, excitedly. He walks back over to the chests and takes out some cobblestone to lay a base out. Tommy sets Shroud down and gets to helping Sam build their new home.

After a couple of hours of tireless building the house is begging to come along though there are still many things that need to be done.

Slowly other people begin to show up and help with the build. First it's Wilbur with Fundy alongside him. They mostly just entertain everyone with music from Wilbur while Fundy explores a bit.

Then Phil shows up, and actually helps them build. Phil only has to save Fundy from drowning once (Wilbur did his best but Phil got there faster).

Eventually Techno appears from behind a tree, almost giving Phil a heart attack.

"Techno! Oh my god! You should not scare me like that," Phil exclaims, a hand over his heart which is beating faster than normal.

"You don't want to kill the old man!" Sam jumps in with the long time joke.

"I'm not even that old!" Phil complains. They all just laugh, getting back to work.

Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael show up soon after, not really assisting with the building. Michael and Fundy play together because they're both young-ish. Ranboo does his best to help but Tubbo just goofs off.

After multiple more hours of building and a couple of water-fight breaks that Ranboo was not a part of, the house is finally done. It has a cobblestone base leading up into a mixture of oak and birch wood.

As the sun begins to set all of the other people leave, leaving Sam and Tommy to get settled in their new house.

"It's beautiful," Sam mutters, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"It is," Tommy responds.They do a sort of side-hug with Shroud on Tommy's shoulder and then walk into their new home.

After a couple of days of moving things into their new house, Sam and Tommy have fully relocated to their new home. It has everything they need, a place for storage, a kitchen, a small farm out back, and a bedroom with a massive bed where they have had multiple pillow fights already.

After a couple of weeks the entire server has fallen into a routine where peace is present, well Techno and Phil still duel for fun but that's just them.


~Well, that's the end of the book! Hopefully you enjoyed this little epilogue. There will be two more in this series but you don't have to read them, you can stop here but you do have to read this book to read the other two. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

I'll Be Back ;]

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