Chapter Thirty-Two: Dream

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POV: Sam/G.D.

I wake up to a loud knocking sound coming from the door. I open my eyes and what happened last night flashes through my mind. Ugh, I wish Tommy didn't have to see me like the weak kid I am.

I'm still hugging Tommy the same as when I went to sleep and he's hugging me back as well. We both sit up and watch Phil open the door, he woke up too.

"George did it!" Sapnap screams, running into the house.

"Slow down mate, did what?" Phil asks the out-of-breath man.

"George got through Nightmare to Dream!" Sapnap says between heavy breaths, he must have run here quite fast.

"What! How?" Will asks, walking over to Sapnap. We all stand up and walk over to him.

"I don't know, one moment Nightmare was screaming at me and the next he was crying in George's arms and it doesn't seem like an act," he explains.

"We've go to go over there," I say, already walking over to the door. Tommy follows close behind me along with everyone but Ranboo, Michael, and Sapnap.

We walk at a brisk pace towards the building where Nightmare and George are. As the back concrete comes into view over a hill Tommy grabs onto my hand. I look over at him, his face looks like it was etched in stone. Seeing Nightmare one time was enough for him but he's coming with us anyways. I squeeze his hand back and we continue walking.

When we get to the building Techno holds the door open as the six of us file in. I see a sight I never thought I would, Nightmare is crying with George hugging him as next he can around the chains.

I look over at Tommy and he looks back at me, nodding. He lets go of my hand and I walk over to Nightmare and George.

" did you do this George?" I ask, pausing to think of the right words.

"I just sat with him the whole night and told him how much we would all love him if he just stopped hating himself and eventually this happened," George says ,never taking his eyes off of Nightmare.

"Hey uh...Dream? I know you're going to hate me for a long time but I just need to know if we can trust you enough to let you out," I say, kneeling down to his level.

"What do you want from me?" He says, turning to me and glaring. I hurt him worse than anyone has and I honestly feel really bad about it but it helped him.

"I just want to know if I can trust you, that's it. Then I'll leave your life for as long as you want me to," I tell him. I look into his eyes and I can't see the mask of evil and bad thoughts that I could before.

"How do I even know if I can trust myself!?" He cries out, his voice cracking. George tightens his grip on the man.

"Everyone has good and evil in them, that's how the world works. You just have to choose what part you want to act on, the good or the bad," I say, "We're willing to let you out of here as long as you do your best to act on the good. I know it'll be hard but we can help you. George can help you. Sapnap can help you."

"I'll try, just don't go in my head again please," he asks me, sounding broken. I feel so bad, I did what Nightmare did to people back to him.

"I know that this isn't going to help but I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to do that and I don't want you to forgive me," I reply, standing back up.

"We're going to go now and clean up your house, George," Phil says, stepping forward, "Give us an hour or so and then we'll be out of your hair."

George nods and I turn around, walking out of the building. I speed up and walk away from everyone else. I feel so awful for doing those things to Dream, I shouldn't have hurt him.

"Hey Sam, wait up!" Tommy shouts from behind me.I just walk faster and faster until eventually I'm running and then flying upwards.

I feel the Dragon in me coming out, I shake my head hard. I can't let that side of me take control again.

~Remember 15 chapters ago when I said this story was coming to a close? Well now it actually is. This was probably the most important chapter that has taken place in a while. I know that it's unrealistic for Nightmare to disappear that quickly but it's actually been happening for a long time. During his time in the prison, 'Dream' was already beginning to crack and it just took that extra push from Sam to push him over the edge. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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