Chapter Ten: Dragon

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POV: Sam/G.D.

My vision starts to go blurry, all the colors are blinding. I blink to try to make this terrible lights I'm seeing go away, it doesn't work. All the colors begin to merge into one bright blinding white that hurts my eyes.

All of me hurts and feels like it's being stretched, I'm not meant to be stretched! I try to not cry out in pain but I can't stop myself, it all hurts too much. I screech out in pain and fall to the floor, I think. I can barely see anything and up and down doesn't exist anymore so I have no clue.

"Are you alright?" I hear Phil ask with concern in his voice. I can barely see him but I manage to focus on his face, almost. My vision goes blurry again but I can feel the Dragon in me coming to the surface, I try to keep it down but there's no hope. It's too strong this time.

I haven't let the Dragon in me fully out in a while so I can't fight back this time, two days ago was just a little bit of the Dragon. I scream again and can feel a Dragon expanding inside of me and break through my skin, it hurts so bad. I scream even louder and it hurts even my own ears.

I can feel spikes erupt out of my back, ripping my skin open like a blade. The pain is worse than anything I've ever felt, it's like being ripped open and then having your internal organs disconnected one by one and the pain doesn't stop.

I'm just constantly screaming by now, the pain is too much. I just wish I could die but I can't. I can feel my wings coming out but it hurts more than usual right now. Everything just hurts way more than it should.

~He he he, Sam's a Dragon now! Again short but the next one's from someone else's point of view so you get more info! Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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