Chapter Twenty-Two: The _Beloved's

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POV: Sam/G.D.

We spend the next couple of hours just hanging around and I do a lot of resting. Phil and Wilbur are still kind of babying me but it's fine, I do feel pretty bad.

I heard a knock at the door, we locked it just in case something happened. Me and Tommy both get up from our card game and head to the door.

Tommy opens it revealing Ranboo, Tubbo, and Micheal. "Tubzo!" Tommy shouts, hugging Tubbo tightly. He can be very clingy sometimes but we don't tell him that.

"Hey guys," I say. I sound tired but I try my best to sound excited because I really am.

"You good, G.D?" Tubbo asks me, stepping in front of me.

"All I did was manipulate a manipulator and learn that there is this thing called a 'headache', that was probably the highlight of my day," I say in a joking manner.

"I know! Headaches are so weird, I used to never get them in the end but now I get them a lot actually," Ranboo says, following up on my joke.

"How can you two be joking at a time like this?" Tubbo asks but I can hear the slight laugh in his voice so I know that I've accomplished my goal.

"Guh....duh...."Micheal says, struggling to say my name.

"Hi little guy," I say, waving at him. Ranboo's carrying him so he's pretty much at my head level. Micheal waves back with his hoof.

"You can call him Uncle Sammy," Tubbo tells Micheal. I know it seems like nothing but having Tubbo say that I'm enough like family to be one of Micheal's many Uncle's just makes me so happy.

"Uncle....Smmy," Micheal tries. He's close enough and it makes me smile.

"You got it buddy!" Tommy says, enthusiastically, giving Micheal a fist-bump. The five of us go inside and Phil comes out of a back room, followed by Will.

We sent Techno back to guard Nightmare even though Will said he could, Techno put up a fight so we had to let him go.

"Hey mate!" Phil says, smiling.

"Grndpa!" Micheal says, still not pronouncing the 'A'. Ranboo sets him down and Micheal runs to Phil who picks him up in a hug.

Micheal then goes to Wilbur and they start up a conversation, as much of a conversation as you can have with a toddler. I sit back down because my head still hurts a little bit but everyone starts talking and I can tell that they're all happy so everything's good now.

~I'm sorry! I know that I said I would write more of the story line I just got an idea to make a cute Michael thing so I did. I promise that the next chapter will be back to angst. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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