Chapter Thirty-Three: Rain

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POV: Tommy

I watch Sam run faster and faster away from us, eventually pulling out his wings and taking off.

"Phil! We need to get to Sam and make sure he's okay!" I shout, running over to the man.

"I know mate, climb on," Phil says as he pulls out his wings and I climb onto his back. Phil flies up slower than Sam but fast enough so that he doesn't get out of our sight.

I would much rather fly with Sam, he's younger and stronger than Phil but Phil is more experienced. I just hope that Sam doesn't turn into a dragon again. I know why he's doing this, he feels bad about hurting Ni-Dream but he did everything right.

"Hurry up!" I shout over the wind to Phil.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Phil shouts back. I go back to begging silent and just try to spot Sam amongst the light cloud covering.

He seems to be heading to a mountain range near the edge of the min server. I remember when this all started and he flew there as well. I didn't go with Phil to get him that time because I didn't know Sam.

Now I know Sam and I know how hard he can be on himself sometimes even though I've only spent only a bit over a week with him. I want to help him but I can't fly which makes this much harder even though Phil is really good at flying.

Eventually Sam lands on a mountain next to a pond and Phil lands near him. I jump off of his back and walk towards Sam. He's standing looking into the water at himself.

"Hey Sam? It's just me and Phil here," I say quietly. Sam turns to look at me and I notice that his eyes are purple, like when Ranboo used to Enderwalk.

I make sure not to show my shock so that he doesn't think that I think he's a monster. I just slowly continue to walk towards him. I reach out and gently touch his wing, he flinches but I keep my hand there. Sam turns to look at me and I can see tears forming in his eyes.

"It's not your fault," I reassure him. He just looks at me with flickering eyes, they keep changing from purple to their normal color. Eventually his eyes settle back on their original yellow and blue which is when Sam begins to cry. He doesn't sob, he just lets the tears roll down his face.

I pull him into a hug and Sam hugs me back, hard. His wings wrap around us until we're in our own cocoon. I hear rain begin to fall, it was getting pretty cloudy.

Sam grips onto me for a moment longer before slowly letting go, unfurling his wings.

"I always loved rain," he mutters, "It cleans the world. It's like a fresh start."

"I think the rain is beautiful," I agree. Sam reaches his hand out and catches some of the droplets on his palm. I rain washes away some of the dirt on his hand from his almost crash landing on the mountain.

I look out into the sky and watch the rain droplets fall. It's going to snow tonight, I can already tell. I watch Sam look up from his hand and into the rain as well.

I wrap my arm around Sam and side hug him. We stay like that for a while, letting the rain wash away the dirt and give us a fresh start without Nightmare in the world anymore.

~Another short one, I just felt like this needed to be it's own chapter. It was a small bit of angst but I don't want you to feel to bad so it was slight. That is going to be the last angst of this book though so congratulations on making it this far! There is one more part to this book and then two more! Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

A Nightmare Or A Dream? (DSMP Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora