Chapter Twenty-Seven: Laughter

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POV: Sam/ G.D.

I spent the entire night just sitting there watching the stars. When the sun rose I decided to stand up, I was getting kind of sore from sitting on the ground.

I see a person running up the mountain towards me and the building. As they get closer I'm able to see that it's Tommy.

"Hey Sam!" He shouts, stopping, out of breath in front of me.

"Hello there, Tommy," I reply, "why did you run all the way here?"

"I wanted to see you," He mutters.

"I'm glad I get to see you too," I say, giving him a hug. Even though it was only for a couple hours Tommy seems sad that I left. I am happy that he came here, I was lonely,

"Sapnap and Gerorge came back early this morning, they're going to watch Nightmare today and maybe even go in but I don't think it's a good idea," Tommy says, pulling me back towards the house.

I spot George and Sapnap making their way back over to us at a walking pace, not like Tommy.

"Hi guys!" I say as we pass them. Sapnap waves back but George just keeps going with a determined look on his face.

Tommy breaks into a run, grabbing my hand. I do my best to keep up but it's hard to not trip when you're running right behind someone. We're both laughing and trying not to fall when we reach the house. Both of us are out of breath and smiling.

Wilbur opens the door and looks at us like we're crazy, we just burst into more laughter. Nothings funny but at the same time everything is, I love feeling like this.

"Well hello crazy children," Wilbur says, a small slime creeping onto his face.

"We're not children, we're big men!" Tommy shouts through laughter. I'm just laughing too much to reply. We eventually stop laughing and enter the house, still smiling.

We begin to stagger over to the couch and then Tommy jumps onto me, throwing the two of us onto the couch. We end up doing a bit of play fighting, all while laughing while Will watches.

After a good five minutes everyone in the house has gathered around us and we eventually stop.

"What was that all about?" Phil asks, smiling.

"I have no idea," I reply, still slightly giggling. My small giggle sends me and Tommy into another fit of uncontrollable laughter. Michael steps onto the couch and stares into mine and Tommy's faces.

"Daddy," he turns around, "I think Uncle Tommy and Uncle Sammy are broken." Michael's speech is only slightly toddler-like and he manages to say it in a straight face.

Tommy and I look at each other and burst into another fit of laughter. At this point I have no idea why we're even laughing but it feels good. I like being able to laugh with Tommy at nothing.

"Well, if they're broken," Tubbo begins, "how do you think we should fix them?"

"We need to stop the hehe's," Michael says, referring to our laughter.

"How are you gonna do that buddy?" Ranboo asks.

"I dunno!" Micheal says happily. Our good mood seems to be rubbing off on the people in the room.

"How about we grab them by the legs and shake it out of them!" Will shouts, throwing his arm into the air.

"Good idea Uncle Wilby!" Micheal shouts.

"No-I-I-don't think that's the best idea," Tommy says, all the while laughing.

"I think it's a perfect idea," Phil adds.

"No!" Me and Tommy jokingly shout in unison. We stand up and start to run around the house, trying to escape Wilbur and Ranboo who took up the job of shaking the laughter out of us.

Me and Tommy split apart, going into different rooms. Ranboo enters the room I'm in and I'm cornered. I try to run around him but he manages to pick me up and put me over his shoulder.

I continue to laugh. We go out of the room and meet up with Will and Tommy, Tommy having a similar fate to me. The two of us continue to laugh as we get carried out onto the front lawn where everyone is waiting.

"Time to shake them, Papa!" Michael shouts at Ranboo from Tubbo;s arms.

"Time indeed," Ranboo replies. Ranboo and Will flip me and Tommy so that we're hanging over George's pond with our feet pointing down. The two of us don't care that we're being dangled over water and luckily only Endermen are allergic to water, Ender Dragons are fine.

"Three...Two...One...Go!" Phil shouts. On 'Go!' both me and Tommy go flying into the pond. I hit the water, closing my eyes and holding my breath.

Me and Tommy clamber over to the edge and get out, still smiling but the laughing has ceased.

"Looks like it worked, bud," Phil says, ruffling Michael's hair.

~I want a friend that I can do this with, it seems fun. I have decided to go through with the Tommy and Sam duo, anyone have any good names for their new duo? Give me ideas! Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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