Chapter Two: Newcomer

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POV: Sam/G.D.

golden_DRAGON7 joined the game

I'm in a new place, a new home and something tells me that I'm going to spend a lot of time here.

I wander around for a little bit, collecting wood and some berries for food, until I see a group of people in the distance standing on a hill talking.

I creep around the base of the hill and begin to climb up. I stay as quiet as possible and stop once I can properly hear the people.

"No one's joined this server in years," I hear a man with a kind sounding voice say.

"We have to find them," a woman with a high pitched voice replies.

"What if Dream called them here?" I hear a man with a deep and monotone voice say.

"Then we're just going to have to risk it because I don't want anyone out here after dark," a young boy says.

I hear a bunch of people hum in agreement. I'm not sure whether or not to trust these people but I decided that it's probably a good idea to reveal myself to them, it is getting late and I don't want to have to deal with mobs.

I climb all the way up the hill and hide behind a boulder. I step out in front of the boulder facing the people and they notice me.

"Who are you?" A man with a green cloak and sandals asks me. He's the one with the kind voice.

"I'm G.D," I say, choosing to use my nickname in case these people are bad.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Phil, this is Technoblade or Techno," the man, Phil says, pointing to a Piglin-Human hybrid wearing a red cape and a crown. He has a look on his face that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. He has a sword clipped to the side of his belt and his hand is resting on it intimidatingly. 

"this is Niki," he points to a woman who's pretty short with pink hair and a nice sweatshirt. She looks nice. She waves at me and I slightly wave back. Her smile is warm and makes me feel welcome.

" and this is Tubbo, Ranboo and Michael," he points to a kid a shorter than me with brown hair and eyes and a green button-up shirt. He looks like he could start jumping around at any moment. He has strange scars running across half of his face and his arms that almost look like burn marks. 

Phil then point to an Enderman hybrid whose face is half black and half white with one red and one green eye. He's wearing a clean pressed suit with a red tie. He has a small crown oh his head that resembles Techno's. There are scars under his two eyes, probably from crying because Endermen are allergic to water.

Finally, Phil points to a small Zombie Pigman who's wearing blue overalls and a yellow and black striped sweatshirt. He's being carried by Ranboo and looks very confused about me. He has two small hooves for hands, one of them is holding onto Ranboo and the other is pointing at me as if to ask who I am.

There's a bunch of other people but Phil doesn't introduce them to me, probably because he thinks I'll be overwhelmed. I kind of am.

"We came out here to get you, no one's joined this server in years," Techno says, monotonly. He looks like he wishes he wasn't here, "now that we've found you, I'm leaving." I was right.

Techno leaves and I can tell that Phil's slightly disappointed but he doesn't seem to mind too much. "Anyways. Follow us, we'll show you our server!" Tubbo shouts excitedly. He grabs onto my arm, dragging me and Ranboo down the hill.

Tubbo shows me around the massive server until it becomes dark enough for mobs to spawn, which is only about an hour. "We can spend the night at the community house and continue the tour tomorrow, maybe you can even meet some people!" Tubbo exclaims, leading me to a pretty destroyed building but it looks like it won't collapse and kill them.

There are four pink beds surrounded by pink carpets in a corner of the building. I lay down on the one the farthest to the left and Tubbo lays down in the one next to mine on the right with Michael and Ranboo following, laying down in that order.

From what I've gathered so far, Ranboo and Tubbo are married and adopted Michael, who's a toddler and still learning to speak. Michael has a very joyful spirit but he's very nice, an even split of his two parents.

Phil is the father of Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy. Wilbur has a very complicated history but I think that now people call him Revivedbur because he came back from the dead using a revive book that someone they called 'Dream' memorized and used to bring both Tommy and Wilbur back from the dead at different times.

The 'Dream' guy is imprisoned for manipulation and blowing up a country, L'Manburg, which Wilbur and Tommy founded. He's imprisoned in a place called Pandora's Vault which is being guarded by Awesamdude/Sam.

Dream manipulated Ranboo and caused him a lot of trauma. Ranboo has a memory book to help him because sometimes he forgets things but Tubbo tends to help with that. There's also a dude named Karl who can travel back in time but whenever he comes back he loses a little bit of himself, that sounds terrifying to me.

A while ago, Tommy was exiled by Tubbo, who was the President of L'Manburg, because Dream manipulated him into thinking it was the right thing to do. Tommy went through torture, done by Dream, for months but eventually was rescued in one effort by the whole server in which they also imprisoned Dream.

George and Sapanp are Dream's oldest friends and even Sapanp turned against the guy, they all hate him and I can see why. George still thinks that Dream is a good person inside but he's been easily outnumbered by the rest of the server so Dream went to prison anyways.

I manage to fall asleep even though my brain is running a mile a minute and the sleep feels good. I haven't slept in a very long time, let alone in a bed.

~ We have nine reads when I post this, I think I might be cool now. I'm going to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday just to let you know! This chapter is a little longer than the first one but were getting a brief summary of the SMP, I'm sorry if not everything's accurate because, again, I wrote this book for myself so Techno's nice and not in prison. The Minecraft gammer-tag is indeed mine (What did you expect?). Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3 ~

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