Chapter Fourteen: Mushroom

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POV: Sam/G.D.

 I land outside of Eret's castle along with Phil. Ranboo teleports right as we land, he must have been teleporting to places closer and making his way here. Tommy hops off my back and we all walk in.

"G.D! You're okay!" Eret says, running at me once he sees us. She gives me a massive hug and I hug him back, "Everyone's waiting in the throne room."

We all follow Eret to the throne room. I'm slightly scared about how many people hate me. When we enter the room a whole bunch of people run to me and start asking me if I'm okay, I get a bit overwhelmed but Phil gets the people to back off.

Kristen just appears next to Phil looking slightly tired and Phil makes sure she doesn't fall. Everyone looks confused as to who she is so Phil just says, "This is Kristen, the Goddess of Death and my wife."

"She helped me heal," I tell them all.

"One question, how the honk did you not die?!" Karl asks.

"Uh...I can't die. I just have one Canon Life but I can't lose it," I say, hesitant to tell them all the truth because it's pretty strange. I can hear multiple people become very confused but we move on from that point pretty fast.

"Okay, now onto what we came here to do. Where the hell is Nightmare?" Sapnap asks like we might have an answer.

"Well, he can't just hide out in the open so he's at someone's house," I say.

"So that leaves the Eggpire," Quackity says.

"Wait, where's George?" Niki asks.

"Oh shit," Tommy and Tubbo say at the same time.

"Nightmare went to George, that's why he's not here!" Tubbo shouts, sounding upset and angry at the same time.

"Well then, time to go to George's house," Techno says, monotonly.

Everyone who was in the throne room flows out of the castle and we begin to walk to George's mushroom house. I'm slightly nervous because Nightmare might have weapons and he might have hurt George, he's not the Dream that George loved.

(There, you get a sprinkle of DNF. You will probably get more later ;] )

"Who's going in?" Someone in the massive crowd we've created outside of George's house asks.

"Me, Phil, Techno, and Tubbo. You guys good with that?" I ask. I don't want too many people to go in because the house is small but also it might overwhelm George if we storm into his house.

The other three nod in agreement and we all walk up to the door. I'm standing in front so I knock on the door three times, hoping that George heard it. I hear movement and someone grunting from inside the house.

~Ah yes, the beautiful thing called a cliff hanger, I know what happens but you don't! Mwahaha!!!! I'm just evil now but don't hate me because the next chapter shall explain everything. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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