Chapter One: New Home?

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POV: Sam/G.D.


The server I've been living on for less than a week is about to restart, that means I'm getting kicked to the main hub where I'll either choose a new server or get assigned one. At least it's better than my old home, I cringe at the thought. I hated living in the End.

My cousin, Jean, who is the Ender Dragon, used me and treated me like a slave. I also never met my parents which is a whole nother issue.


I only have seven seconds left. I walk around the small town I'm in and I see loads of people running around trying to grab things. They somehow believe that you can take stuff with you,  you can't.


I sit down right in the middle of the street because it doesn't matter where you are in the world, you're going to the hub anyway.

I watched as people and hybrids run around. It's chaos. This server was one of the good ones, hybrids weren't hated as much as on other servers.





Everything and everyone begins to dissolve around me and then I begin to dissolve too. It doesn't hurt, it's more of a feeling like you're about to fall asleep. Then everything is gone, forever. This server will never exist again.

I'm not fazed at all because servers restarting is completely normal, it happens to all servers. The only thing that changes between different servers is how long they last, that one lasted for quite some time but there are ones that have lasted for years.

I feel myself materialize inside of the hub, a black hallway with doors leading to every server in existence. Somehow it's light enough to see but I can't ever find any visible light sources, magic. This whole place is run by Her, the Goddess of Death.

I feel a pull towards a door far down the hallway, it must be Her assigning me somewhere. You can normally resist the pull if you want to but I can feel that this pull is much stronger, looks like I'm needed on this server.

It's taking me forever to get to this server, it must be really far down the hallway. I walk past people and animals, some of the 'people' are probably hybrids but almost everyone hates us so we have to stay hidden.

I wish I could just pull out my wings and fly to this door but I can't reveal that I'm a hybrid to these people otherwise they're going to try to kill me. I can't control that side of me anyways.

Everyone has three Canon Lives, you can die three times and once you die the last time Her takes you to the afterlife. I don't have three Canon Lives because I can't die, I tried. I just live with the pain of death but I never go, let's just say that time in my life was not super fun.

I continue to walk and I swear that I saw the shadow of a woman on the right wall for a second, I must not be seeing straight. My legs are beginning to get tired when I finally reach it, the end of the hallway.

No one else is down here because these are the oldest servers that exist, no one ever goes through these doors. I walk towards the door at the very end of the hallway, it's the one I'm getting pulled to.

I reach up and dust off the plaque at the top of the door;

Dream SMP

The sign says. I've never heard of this server before. I hear something whoosh behind me and I whip my head around, nothing. Strange.

I put my hand on the doorknob and twist. The door is slightly hard to open from lack of use but I manage to get it open only with a couple of hard yanks.

Inside the door is a spruce forest with foxes running around, "It's beautiful..." I whisper to no one in particular.

"Yes, it is," I hear a very faint woman's voice say behind me. I step into the forest and the door disappears behind me. 

~ Hopefully you enjoyed the first chapter, sorry if it's a little short but all of the chapters are going to be around this length. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3 ~ 

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