Chapter Twenty-Three: Try Your Best

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POV: Sam/G.D.

After a night and afternoon full of jokes and fun. I wake up on a bed with Tommy laying next to me. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Micheal are on another bed across the room with Phil sleeping on the couch.

Will went out to be with Techno so that he could get some sleep. I vaguely remember falling asleep last night by flopping on the bed and I remember Tommy just kind of falling down next to me.

I slowly crawl off the bed. Making sure to not wake anyone in the house up. I step onto the cold floor and walk over to a window to see the sun. It seems to have just risen and the sky is blue so it's going to be a nice day.

I hear shuffling behind me and see that Tommy has woken up and walked over behind me. "Why are you up so early?" He asks me, the sleep still prominent in his face.

"Dragons don't need much sleep," I say, shrugging my shoulders. I turn back to the window and look at the view, it's a pretty good one.

Eventually everyone wakes up and we eat breakfast. "So...Are we going to do something about Nightmare today?" Ranboo asks while we're all sitting in the living room.

"I'm going to go back in today," I say.

"No, you are not going in there alone," Phil says, staring at me. I can tell that he doesn't want me to get hurt but I have to do this

Before I can argue in my defence Tommy says, "I'll go with him. I have things I want to say to that bitch too."

"Neither of you are going in there!" Phil says, he's trying to protect us but we don't need protection. I can see the anger rise in Tommy's face.

"We don't need you to protect us! We can do whatever the fuck we want! We're old enough to take care of ourselves!" Tommy shouts, standing up. He glares at Phil and then marches out of the room.

I'm conflicted, do I convince Phil to let me go or do I help Tommy calm down. I decide to do the latter option and stand up. I watch as Phil's face goes through different emotions.

His face lands on regret and stays that way. I know that he's just trying to help but he's going about it in the wrong way.

I turn and follow the path that Tommy took. It leads me outside and I spot him sitting on a rock near the pond in George's front yard.

I sit down near him but not too close. I choose to not say anything until Tommy decides that it's time to talk. "Why can't he just understand?" Tommy says after multiple seconds of sitting. He sounds broken.

"He tries but he goes about it in the wrong way," I respond.

"Why can't he just try harder?" Tommy still sounds broken and I can see it in his face, he just wants Phil to understand him.

"He's trying as hard as he can and even though it isn't enough...I know that he'll do anything for you and your brothers," I say, looking back out over the pond.

"I just....I just want us to be normal...I want my family to be normal," Tommy says, putting his head between his knees. I move over next to him and wrap an arm around him.

"No one's normal, normal isn't a thing. Your family is yours and make sure to keep it because it's probably the best thing that'll ever happen to you," I say.

We stay in our half hug for a while until Tommy untucks his head with a determined look. "Let's go fuck up that bitch," He says. He wants to mess with Nightmare but we need permission from Phil first.

"Let's go tell Phil what's happening. He's not in charge," I say. We stand up and walk back into the house.

"Phil," I begin, "We're going to go speak to Nightmare. We will be careful and I'm not going to let anything happen to Tommy."

I watch Phil's face. He doesn't want to let us go but he knows he can't stop us. Phil reluctantly nods so me and Tommy turn back around, leaving the house.

~The was not what I was expecting to write. I surprise myself sometimes
(All the time). I'm sorry for not making this what I promised but it does help with set-up. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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