Chapter Four: Good Manipulation?

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POV: Sam/G.D.

Once Tubbo and Michael wake up the three continue giving me a tour of the server until eventually everyone is called to the mountain they found me on for a meeting.

"We should have him meet Dream!" Someone in the crowd shouts.

"He'll manipulate 'im!" Someone else shouts. It evolves into chaos of people screaming and voicing their own opinions.

"Everyone! Quite!" Eret, someone I met earlier that day, shouts.

"Thank you, Eret," Tubbo begins, " it should be up to G.D. about whether or not he wants to meet Dream!"

"I'm fine with meeting him, maybe I can even help with things because he's never met me before and won't be able to manipulate me," I say, facing everyone else. I'm on the taller side of the crowd but there are quite a few tall people on this server.

"Then I guess we're going to the prison!" Tubbo shouts so that everyone can hear him. Everyone starts moving towards the prison and I can tell that this is going to take a while because they're all moving so slow.

"If we want to make it to the prison today you're going to have to pick up the pace!" I jokingly shout at everyone, a couple of people laugh but they all start moving faster so it worked.

Once we get to the prison everyone piles inside to the control room where there are security cameras. I meet Awesamdude who happens to have the same real name as me.

"Sam, we have the same name! My real name's Sam," I tell him.

"Cool!" He says. He sounds excited but I can tell that he wants to get to business. We go through security and then I get on a stone platform that enters a wall of lava.

I step off the moving platform, slightly jumping, into the prison cell. It looks dead and really creepy. The walls are pure obsidian and there's almost nothing inside of the cell.

I step away from the lava as it closes me inside of this claustrophobic room. Even with the lava pouring down its cold, bone chillingly cold. I don't like it and even though I've come to hate the prison's occupant, I feel a bit of sympathy for him, these are terrible living conditions.

"Why are you here?" I hear a raspy voice ask from a dark corner of the cell.

"I'm new here but I thought I'd pay this country's tyrant a visit," I lash out. When I'm nervous I tend to become harsh but this person doesn't know that yet, he can't figure me out. I have to stay strong so I can help with interrogations.

"Well, who are you?" The raspy voice asks again. I can see a figure in orange prison clothes begin to move slowly towards me. He's about the same height as me, slightly taller.

His face is heavily scarred and it looks like he's been through everything. His bright green eyes look unnatural and put me slightly on edge. I heard that he used to have a mask to cover his face but it broke during the transfer into the prison.

"I'm G.D, I come from the End," I know that he can't do anything with this information, my name and origin would be easy enough to figure out.

"Well, G.D. You may not know this yet but I'm not the bad guy, those people out there are," I can tell he's trying to manipulate me but Dragons are surprisingly good at resisting manipulation.

"Oh really...So your precious George is evil too?" I know that will get him on edge, George is his oldest 'friend' on the server.

"I-No-What!?" I can hear his confusion, I'm not supposed to know these things but I did my research and pretty much talked to every single person on the SMP so I figured out the story.

"I know about your history, I know things. I learned and I'll keep learning until I know more than you!" I'm just trying to irritate him at this point. "I know about L'Manburg, Manburg, Las Nevadas, Pogtopia, the Eggpire...want me to list more?"

"Shut up!" I can see him cover his ears as I continue to list fallen countries and I even end up mentioning Spirit, his dead horse. I can see that I've gotten in his head as I signal for Sam to let me out. I feel like I did something wrong but I know I did everything right.

I exit the prison, still watching Dream curl up in a ball on the sad excuse for a bed. I got to him and I feel proud but I also feel guilty. I hate hurting people and sometimes that gets me hurt.

I step into the main control room and see most of the members of the SMP crammed into the space, all looking at the screens. "That...was incredible!" Tommy shouts, running over to me. I'm quick to be bombarded with questions.

"Let him breathe, everyone!" I hear Phil shouts over everyone's voices. They listen to him and I have time to catch my breath.

"Manipulation is very mentally draining," I say, some people laugh but I can see that Phil looks concerned. I have the strange tendency to crack jokes in the least funny moments, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't. It did help to lighten the mood at this point in time.

I end up passing out on the floor pretty quickly, manipulation is exhausting. I don't know how Dream does it, it takes so much energy and will power to not let your emotions take over. I guess he is an empty, soulless person, after all.

~Sam and Dream have now met, this story is moving along nicely! This chapter was the first one I wrote, it inspired the idea. I of course added a but to make it fit to the story but the inner workings of this chapter are what started it all. Anyways, I love you/p and don't forget to take care of yourself! <3~

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