Chapter 17 : Suki ❤︎ | Aang's Festival Pt 1

Start from the beginning

In the evening I arrive at the Air Temple with some left over party decorations from Sokka's birthday. Monk Gyatso, Aang's father figure, shows me to the top of their air-temple tower, where Aang, Toph, Katara and Zuko roll around the floor with streamers.

"Hey," I say and they all give me a quick nod of acknowledgement. 

"Are these some decorations?" Aang asks studying the contents of my box carefully carefully.

"Yep," I reply, joining him on the floor. "Are you guys picking what colour posters to make?"

"We're picking what colour banners each stall should have," Zuko explains.

"In that case, I think blue," I say, holding up the blue sandpaper beside me.

"I'm thinking we go with green," Toph says softly. "Since half the school is in green house, it would definetly attract them into coming to our stalls."

"Good thinking Toph," Aang compliments.

"Guess who's back from Fencing practice?" Sokka asks, entering the room holding a plastic tub of biscuits."I brought cookies."

"Yum," Katara licks her lips as Sokka opens the tin to reveal butter chocolate chip cookies.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE!" Toph orders aggressively. "As the official event planner and producer of the 2021 mixed-nation festival, I will now order silence."

Funny enough, she gets what she asks, plus a lot of confused looking faces. "We can tick decorations and supplies off the list since I kindly spent over 1000 Yuan on 4 circus tents, decorations and activities to play at the festival."

I shake a little. 1000 Yuan is a lot! "Katara, do you have the sweet food under control?" Toph inquires with a smirk on her face.

"Yes. I have a cotton candy machine and plenty of cake pops, ice cream, ice lollies, cupcakes and pies," she lists.

"Zuko?" Toph barks. "Have purchased all the beverages needed?"

"Yes. I've also asked my Uncle to set up a Jasmine Dragon stall in one of the tents," Zuko says.

"That's good," Toph replies causally. "Aang, what about the main courses?"

"I'm bringing in vegan sausage rolls, cheese fries and vegetarian casseroles," Aang replies but the rest of us make slightly disgusted faces. "I can't bring non-veg it's strictly not allowed!"

"Well no one's going to come if there's not any meat," Sokka comments and we all chuckle at his comment.

"Why do I have to do food anyway?" Aang asks, suddenly furious. "Zuko should do it instead!"

Zuko lets out a frustrated sigh, standing up. "But I'm in charge of the beverages," he says. "Ask Suki."

Panic floods inside me. If I'm told to spend 1000 Yuan on some bald kids party, I'm out.

"Well?" Aang asks coldly. I never thought I would see him go full Kyoshi. "What are you doing?"

"I already told you. I'm doing the decorations," I manage to say but I'm shaking in shock. In situations like this, I usually fight back, but today, right now, I just can't. Instead, tears begin to form in my eyes as I try to think of something to say. Immediately, Katara and Sokka to rush to my aid.

"EXACTLY!" Aang barks. "NOTHING!"

I gasp, curling my fingers into a fist. "Don't," Sokka tells me, studying my hand. "It won't end well."

"Aang calm down!" Toph says, fighting back the urge to laugh.

"NO YOU CALM DOWN!" Aang snaps, making Toph's jaw drop in surprise.  

"Aang stop! We're your friends, so stop treating us like we're your servants! We're helping you host your carnival," Zuko exclaims.

"I'm- I'm sorry," Aang says all of a sudden, looking down at the floor.

Katara's sighs with relief. "I thought he was going to go full Kyoshi for a minute," she whispers in my ear.

"It's my carnival and I should take full responsibility," Aang continues. 

"Aang, that's not what he meant," Sokka cuts, his grip loosening on my shoulders. "We want to help."

"I don't," Toph scoffs. "I'm done." 

She walks to the door, her hand on the handle when Aang begs. "Toph, please don't go!"

Katara rises from the floor. "Shut up!" she snaps at Aang and he freezes. "Toph, you don't mean that do you?"

There's a short silence as Toph looks down at her shoes and sighs . "Sorry guys but I just can't. Maybe tomorrow," she groans and for the first time in months, I understand what she means. Aang is like a dog without a muzzle. It's not safe to be around him when's angry. What if he kills us? The Avatar can not be arrested or even killed intentionally.

"Toph, wait!" Sokka calls running after her. "Aang's just a little upset maybe if you just-"

"I think me and Su should leave as well," Kat hums apologetically, helping me up. "Sorry Aang."


When we're outside the temple, Katara and Sokka turn to me with anxious eyes. "Are you alright?" Sokka asks, staring right into me, his gaze melting me on the spot.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I reply nervously, wiping a mix of tears on my cheek.

"You were crying," Kat says strictly. " You never cry."

I bite my lip. "I'm okay now." Liar!

"Really?" Sokka asks, arching a brow. "Because you don't sound like it."

Finally, I give in. "You're right Sokka. I'm not ok," I admit, my voice breaking. "I guess I was just really shocked by Aang's attitude or something because, because I couldn't react. I got, I got really scared."

"It's ok," Sokka tells me, patting my shoulder.

 "Why hasn't Zuko come out yet?" I ask.

"He's probably having a word with Aang," Kat says, worried.

"Or he decided to stay and help," Sokka suggests. " Zuko's probably getting Aang to apologise to you and Toph..."

"Hey Kat." The three of us spin around to face Luya, the water-tribe girl from the try-outs. I think Aang's got a thing for her because I see him staring at her all the time. "You here to help Aang?"

"We were," Kat says and at that Luya looks confused. " You should go help Aang. He needs you now more than ever."

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