Episode 19: A Promise To Keep

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A/N: Here it is, the final chapter of this story before the sequel. I hope you enjoyed this last chapter...even though it's rushed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame Ga Kill and SMG4. They belong to their rightful and respectful owners.

Episode 19: A Promise To Keep

Chapter synopsis: As SMG4 and friends go back to their world, there is one last thing that the assassin want to make to them.

Night has hit the lands as a group along with a familiar assassin were making their way back to the spot to where the red vortex portal were. Well, maybe where it would be much more fitting. SMG4 was looking at Tatsumi. "Well, now that I met your friends Tatsumi, they seem pretty decent people."

The assassin who was with them just laughed as he was holding the device box that brought him to their world. "You could say that."

Mario, on the other hand, thought differently of his group. "Why do your friend hate Mario?"

Everyone just look at the idiot with an obvious look on their face. Tari was the one who pointed out a reason why. "Mario, you just continued to eat all of the food, which really made some of his friends mad at you, EPSPECIALLY Akame and Kurome since you never let them grab any of it."

Axol then pointed another reason why. "And you also said Esdeath's name wrong." Melony didn't know why, but Esdeath is quite a strange name to say the least.

"BuT AxOl, It'S LiKe I SaId BeFoRe 'wHaT KiNd oF DaD nAmEs ThIeR dAuGhTeR EsDeATh?!'" The Garo remembered when they curb stomped Syrua with ease in their world. Everyone had to admit that even though Esdeath was quite a terrible person before her change, they had to say that her name was quite strange to say the least.

"But guys, not all things were bad. It's like how Bob and Lubbock became friends." Boopkins pointed out that not everything was a negative.

Saiko just chuckled at her former boyfriend as he was quite right. "You could say that to Mine and Chelsea." She still remembered the trickster giving one of her lollipop to the gamer girl as she was quite sad on changing her footwear by the suggestion of Mine.

While the SMG4 crew were talking among themselves, Tatsumi was deep in his thoughts. Now that he was reunited with his friends, he was thinking about the one theory that the other recoloured Mario had told him about. "Now that I think about it, them coming into my world was not the one that I was expecting, and the revival of Syura. Could it be the thought of the Fanfiction Theory then?" That was a lot to think about and he has to admit that it was giving him a headache and he might make some notes about those thoughts. But that was the point right now.

Right now he was accompany his other world friends as they stopped in the spot to where the portal. He was about to open the portal, but he had a feeling that there were some words that needed to be spoken from the other group. "So, this is it, huh?"

The SMG4 Gang turn towards him and they saw that he had a sad expression on his face. Mario saw how his friend was and he walked up to him to place his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you're not the only one who is feeling sad."

The idiot was right. Tari then decide to give one of her rubber ducky to the assassin as a way to remind the assassin of the times that he had spent with them. "Tatsumi. I'll give you my rubber duck as a way to think of us."

Well, that was a good idea for the gamer girl to give to the assassin, but the recoloured Mario then thought of another idea. "Tari, please," The gamer girl turn to her leader, "I know that this may be the last time we will see him, but I got a better option than that." He then pulled out a camera, which was the model of the Canon G7X Mark iii and smiled to what he was going to do. "How about we all take a photo of him so he could keep the camera."

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