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It feels good to write daily again

Harry just took a shower and is now looking for some nice clothes. He wants to look good if he goes out to flirt with guys. A knock on the door is heard and Niall goes to open it, revealing Liam.

"What are you wearing, Harry?" Liam's eyes are scanning his little brother's body. "I know that jeans. You wear it when you go out. Don't you dare to do thins I forbad you, Harry. I swear to god if..."

"Being so tense isn't good for you, Lima." Harry smiles innocently. "You should go back to your room and have a good sleep okay? I'll see you tomorrow."

"Harry I'm dead serious if I find out that..."

Harry walks up to his brother and playfully pushes him out of the door while speaking.

"Yeah yeah don't worry, Liam. Good night!" Harry rolls his eyes when he closes the door.

"Is it really such a good idea to pick up boys, H? Your brother will literally kill you..." Niall says cautiously. "I mean... He really doesn't want you to..."

"I'm an adult Niall and all those players, or at least most of them, are as well. It's my decision and Liam has no right to control me like that. You don't know the amount of times he has been sleeping around so he can't tell me what to do."

"I just want to avoid an unnecessary fight, H." Niall sighs. "This is the first time your brother is at a world cup and it is really important to him. I just don't want anything to go wrong."

Harry pulls his friend into a hug and kisses his cheek.

"Don't worry, Niall. Everything will be fine. Me having some fun won't affect my brother if he doesn't know okay? Now, are you ready to go?"

Niall nods and puts on his shoes again, following the curly haired boy to the elevator.

"What do you want to drink?" Harry asks his best friend. "I'll get us some drinks."

"Pina Colada would be nice." And a huge smile appears on Harry's face as well. He fucking loves pina colada.

Niall finds them a spot in the bar that's quite busy and Harry walks up to the bar, ordering their drinks.

"Thank you so much!" He gives the bartender a sweet smile and grabs the two glasses. As he turns around he can feel the cold liquor touching him and a loud squeak leaves his mouth.

"Oh shit!" Harry can hear someone curse. The voice is clearly from a man but it's pretty high and it has a thick accent. "I'm so sorry, mate. I didn't mean to bump into you."

Harry looks down at his shirt which has a huge stain on it and it pisses him off because this is his favourite shirt and the random stranger just ruined it! Harry is about to curse at the boy until he meets his eyes, bluer as the ocean.

"I- euh, it's alright." Harry stammers, his hands getting sweaty from the beautiful appearance in front of him. "I didn't like that shirt anyway."

"I should have paid more attention to where I was walking. Please let me at least try to fix your shirt. We have to put water on it now otherwise the stain won't ever come out."

Harry follows the shorter boy towards the bathroom and when those blue eyes keep staring at him, he decides to talk.

"What uh, what do you want to do then?" Harry has always a good way with words, unless there is someone he really likes or is really attractive. And Harry might think that this boy is literally both.

"Take off your shirt, silly. I need to wash it." The boy laughs. "Can't do that really properly when you are still wearing it."

"I think I should at least know your name when I strip for you." Harry starts to flirt shamelessly. He literally has nothing to lose. He is locked up in a bathroom with a hot guy that just orders him to take off his shirt.

"You don't know me?" the boy raises his eyebrow and when he sees Harry's face expression, he starts to laugh nervously.

"Should I know you then?" Harry asks.

"It's a joke, of course you don't know me. My name's William." The boy introduces himself. "What about you?"

"You don't know me?" Harry asks half joking, mocking the other boy. He thought the boy would know him, everybody in the football world does. Liam is the best player currently and Harry has been in the media on his brother's side a lot.

"Should I know you then?" the boy jokes back.

"I'm Edward." Harry decides to lie. If there is finally someone that doesn't recognise him, Harry is going to use it. He is tired of people trying to get close to him only so they can get close to Liam. The boy is pretty excited about someone that's talking to him that doesn't know who he is. It feels different, fresh, and very nice.

"Nice to meet you, Edward. Can I ask you how you got into this hotel? It's only allowed for football players and their staff no?"

Harry bites his lip. Which lie is he going to come up with?

"I'm one of the physiotherapist of the American team." The lie comes out of his mouth smoothly.

"American? You do sound British, love." William smirks.

"My mom's British, my dad's American." Harry explains. "What about you? You're obviously not a player, you are definitely British, what brings you here then?"

"Just the water boy." William laughs. "No big deal, not that important."

"Very important!" Harry smiles. "Can't have the players being thirsty right?"

"Right." William shows his million dollar smile.

"So I really should go back to my friend. He is probably still waiting for his pina colada." Harry laughs.

"I'm sorry again. Let me buy you new drinks." William suggests. Then he looks at his watch. "Oh crap, it's pretty late. I have to go, Curly. What about I meet you tomorrow in the bar and I make it up to you? For the shirt and the drinks? I have to go now."

Harry checks his phone, seeing that its ten to ten.

"That's alright. What time?"

William seems to think deeply before he answers.

"I have to be at the training from the English team, but there is a break from one to three in the afternoon. Want to meet up then?"

Harry blushes and nods.

"I'd love to."

"Well, see you tomorrow then, Curly. I'm sorry about the shirt, again!"

And Harry just waves at the boy, his heart beating a bit faster. He is really cute, sweet, attractive and there is no way that he uses Harry because of Liam because he doesn't know him.

This boy is perfect, and not a player so Liam can't get mad at him, yeah Harry is totally going for William.

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