Chapter Eighteen

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The dress is tight, stuffy, frilly and annoying. Everything I hate in clothes. How did women survive in this shit? Tara obviously mastered it and looks ravishing in an emerald green day dress. I stare at myself in the mirror, pulling at the material. I can't deny that it looks good on me, though. The raspberry pink sets off my pale skin tone and even without the corset (Tara insisted but I was adamant about it), it looks as if I have an hourglass figure.

"I can't wait to see Brandon's reaction." I say, twirling around.

Tara snorts. "So whipped."

I shove her away. "Don't be annoying."

"I'm not."


Humming under her breath, she brushes my hair and plaits it, leaving some curls to frame my face.

"Pinch your cheeks and bring some color to your face." She instructs me and softly kisses the top of my head. "How are you feeling by the way?"

I ignore her question. "My mom would've loved this."

"I'm sure she would have." Tara replies kindly and silently leaves the room. She never liked emotional stuff anyway.

Sighing loudly, I close the door behind me and go down the steps, feeling shy.

Brandon's eyes widen marginally when he sees me and heat floods my cheeks. Casting my eyes downwards, I go and sit on the sofa. He rushes to me and grins. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you." I blush. Darn my pale coloring for betraying even the slightest blush. Brandon places a box in my hand. I raise an eyebrow at him and he shrugs, his expression mischievous. I pry open the black cover and gasp upon seeing the contents.

Raspberry chocolates. I can smell the faint scent of the fruit and squeal.

Kieran, who's lounging at the table wearing a navy blue coat over white shirtsleeves, turns at the sound, looking scared. "Monkey, what's wrong?"

"He brought me raspberry chocolate." I exclaim, not caring that I sound like a kid.

Skye jumps at me from nowhere. "Chocolate? Can I have some?" She pouts at me. "Pretty please?"

An internal war rips me apart. Chocolate or Skye? Kidding. Chuckling, I hand one piece of the treats to her and she hugs my torso briefly before plopping down on the floor and stuffing her face with the big sweet.

And the rest is for me.

Feeling a rush of affection for Brandon, I give him a chaste kiss. "You remembered." I mutter.

"Of course." Brandon leans back, folding his hands behind his head, muscles flexing. "And I also haven't forgotten that me being covered in raspberries is what will get you wet."

I pop a chocolate into my mouth and gasp. "Shut up." I hiss. "I didn't say it gets me wet." I lie. The thought itself makes me warm all over. He adjusts the white, spotless cuffs. "Liar."

Rolling my eyes, I eat some more chocolate and save the rest for later.

Leo enters the room, Julian right behind him, impossibly still in jeans and a sweatshirt.

Did he pack clothes? When did he get the chance?

"Shall we go to the training room then?"

I blink twice. He wants us to fight in ballgowns?

Tara winks at me. "Don't worry, the skirts are detachable."

I must've said that out loud then.

I flap my arms. "I'm not wearing anything underneath except for underwear."

Torn (Dark Desires Duet, #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang