Prologue- Brandon's POV

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The word beautiful never held proper meaning for me until I laid my eyes upon a particular stranger that night.

Cliché, I know. Cut me some slack, I'm a little tipsy, okay?

She walks in, blonde hair falling in waves around her face, giggling at something her friend said. That girl's milk white skin practically glows and her bright green eyes are like traffic lights; telling me to go, go, go. Instead, I stop what I am doing and place the drink in front of my customer. He complains that I didn't make it right, but I apologize mechanically instead of trying to fix it. I might just poison him by mistake.

My eyes track her petite frame, as she sits near the table where my girlfriend was sitting a minute ago before she went to the washroom.

Savannah. Dammit. I almost forgot that I have a girlfriend. Cursing under my breath, I serve another dude a drink.

"Yo, Brandon."

I turn my head at the sound of my name. It's Luke, the guy who serves the bar with me. "What?" I ask, cleaning out some shot glasses. I can smell the different flavored hookahs being smoked from a few tables away.

"Where is your mind at, man?" Luke grunts, taking away the cloth from me. "See some hot chick?"

Making a face, I lean against the cool table. "I have a girlfriend, Luke. Careful."

He snorts and claps my back. "Girlfriend, right. You drool more when you see a pig's ass than when you see her."

Rolling my eyes, I start preparing another drink, tossing ice cubes into a glass. "Please. Shut the fuck up. You barely know me."

"You never tell me anything."

"That's because we aren't even that good friends. You don't need to know everything about me." Trust me, there is a whole shitton of things that I hide and nobody needs to know every detail. It usually sends people running away. I mean, I think they would. Never risked it.

Luke sighs and waves his hand about, going to serve another customer. "I bet you're a douchebag anyway." He mutters under his breath.

I know it's directed towards me but the woman who he is serving thinks he said that to her, turns red. "You fucking asshat. I am not a douchebag, you are." She slaps him with her purse and storms out. The second the door closes behind her, I burst into laughter while Luke curses loudly.

The sound of my chuckling reaches the blondie and she turns around, searching for the source of the noise. Our eyes meet and time stands still. My stomach flips and I'm pretty sure I have those cartoon heart eyes right now.

Her lips tip up, blushing slightly and then she looks away. I notice her friend is not with her. Glancing around, I see the rowan haired girl sitting next to a boy who is sweating at what seems to be her flirting with him. Poor guy. Looks like no girl has spoken to him before. The guy looks towards the bar area and Luke winks at him. He blushes like crazy and that's when I realize he's gay. Or something. You can never be sure. But he definitely doesn't like girls because that woman is hot. Now I feel sorry for the girl; she is chatting up a guy who will never be interested in her. Half of me wants to go tell her, but the situation will be hilarious when she finds out on her own. I'll let it play out.

Blondie beckons me and I saunter over, smirking. "How can I help you?"

She's breathless when she answers. "Uh, I- uh, I would like a Negroni please."

"Sure. I'll tell Luke. My shift's over."

My shift is far from over but Luke will take over for me. Hopefully. "Wanna dance?" I ask, holding out a hand.

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