Chapter Thirteen

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"Move, you slow sloths." Tara shouts from behind. Skye giggles softly, holding Tara's hand as they walk. "It's night and you have no idea what wanders here."

I roll my eyes. So bossy.

The desert isn't silent. Sand crunches under my feet and thin plants grow here and there. Owls hoot, insects click their pincers and something hisses. Every step makes me fear that I am going to be attacked by a forty foot snake. Shut up. If I want to be irrational, I will. You try walking in a scary desert with two werewolves, a hot vampire, a kid, a faerie and weird night animals hidden in the dark.

Sighing, I follow Julian and Kier, who aren't speaking for the first time ever. I hope they didn't fight or something. We reach the place where we had first landed and I relax minutely. Home is just a hop away. Literally. It's the same three dead trees in a circle that reminds me of the place. If I squint, I can see soft waves crashing on the beach at a distance.

I rub my hands nervously, "so, we ready?"

Kier smiles at me but I can see clear shock on his face. He can't hide at all, he's also such a bad liar and poker face is definitely not his forte. I frown. "What's wrong, Kier?"

"I'll tell you later." He sounds so cheerful, my worry dissipates. Apparently, he's just withholding good news.

A loud noise bursts from my left and I skitter towards the side. What is that?

Immediately jumping into action, Brandon stands in front of me as three cloaked figures run towards us. How did we not sense their presence? How did we not see them? This is an open desert with barely any foliage, for fuck's sake.

My first instinct is to run. But where can I go?

All thoughts abandon me when the tallest hooded figure hurls a spear at me. Like the smart and brave soul inside me, I do only one thing: scream.

I expect to fall down, I anticipate pain but all I hear is a loud grunt and a slick sound. I open my eyes and see Brandon struggling to get up, trying to remove the spear from his shoulder.

He saved my life; by almost dying himself. With a scared shout, I scramble to him and bend, helping him up. Wincing, he removes the spear and I have seen enough movies to know it's a bad move. He could've damaged something.

From the corner of my eye, I see Tara whooping ass and Julian and Kier work like a pair of born warriors. The three attackers are taken care of. For now.

Fuck. Where's Skye?

Panic grips me as I scan around and then I calm my pounding heart when I see her standing quietly, eyes wide, behind a tree. Tara must have told her not to move. Good girl.

I rip half of my shirt and press it gently to his wound, tsk-ing in annoyance. Tears burn the back of my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"You idiot." I admonish him when he groans weakly. "Why did you throw yourself in harm's way?"

"Because you could've gotten hurt."

The statement is so simple and pure, my heart works faster. The care in his voice can't be mistaken for anything else.

"You shouldn't have removed the spear."

He rolls his eyes. "No one's first instinct when a spear lodges into them is, thanks for that, I think I'll keep it for a while."

I feel like slapping him. "Good to know your sense of humor is still intact."

With a sigh, he goes to where Skye and pats her head. "It'll be fine, kitten. Just close your eyes. Kathryn will stay with you."

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