Bonus Chapter: Pinky Promise

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Reminder: This is a bonus chapter but it is relevant for the plot.
Words: 2.4k

Y/N's point of view

"Do we know what is this about?" I ask Elizabeth, that's sitting weirdly silent since we got here.

Yesterday was not my best day but I know that this is completely normal. I can't have that much good days all at once, right? I know I had some difficult ones because of my fight with Scar and the sister news but it turns out that it wasn't that bad.

Elizabeth is acting really weird since we played that game so I didn't text her when I got home. In fact, I didn't even look at my phone. My mother made me some dinner and I facetimed with Scarlett and Florence for a couple of hours before going to bed. They keep giving me spoilers without even noticing and to be really honest: I love it.

Today my manager texted me early in the morning asking me to go to the meeting room in the main building, but she didn't say that Elizabeth would be attending to or what was all this about. We're here for about thirty minutes and no one said anything for real. We just keep throwing glares at each other and asking what time is it. I feel a little bad about it because in all these months of work, she never gave me the cold treatment until now. The fact that she chose to kiss Paul instead of me is still burning the back of my mind. Even though I know it was just a stupid game, I can't help but feel like this.

"Well, I don't know anything. Do you?" She asks without turning her face to me. Shit. Why she doesn't want to look at me?

I play with my fingers nervously. "Nah, I don't know either." She doesn't care about my answer. In facts, I don't think she even heard what I said. "Elizabeth?"

Her eyes look up to me with fear. "Why did you call me Elizabeth?"

"Uh, I-...I mean, you are giving me the silent treatment. I wanted to know why." I explain and she sighs deeply. "Have I done something?"

Lizzie gets up from the chair she was sitting across the table and pulled the one beside me. Her perfume filled my nose with the best feeling ever. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like you did something because you didn't. I am just being childish about the game yesterday."

My hands slip to hers against the table and I caress her fingers. "What bothers you about the game?" I ask with genuine worry.

Elizabeth moves uncomfortably against the chair and fails at trying to speak at least three times before trying again. "I am being a jerk because I got jealous." She whispers so lowly that I'm impressed I could hear. My heart beats a lot faster than before and my breathing becomes heavy and difficult. What? Jealous? Of me?

"Why did you got jealous?" I ask with my voice fading on each word.

Elizabeth looks at me and smiles without much excitement. "You know why." She says like it's nothing when in fact this is everything. I don't know if she's saying what I think she is saying but even though she isn't, I believe that's a pretty good moment to try something.

Our fingers intertwine in the same moment I lean forward. The chairs or the thoughts not holding us back from anything.

She pulls me closer using her free hand but before we could even feel our breaths mixing it with one another, we hear someone clearing the throat loudly. I let my gaze follow the sound and see that a woman I definitely don't know is staring at us with a look of disapproval. "Elizabeth." She scolds pointing to our united hands.

Lizzie let's go of touching me very quickly but whispers a very low 'sorry'. I can't lie and say that I'm not hugely upset and embarrassed. I think that this is the first time my interest in Lizzie gets lower. It's not that she's obligated to something but I can't put myself in a situation like this once again. I've already beaten the quota of being hidden by someone. I can't do that again.

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