Chapter 5: Samantha

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Y/N's point of view

                       12:21 p.m

basic bitch💕
hey y/n
i'm sorry i freaked out on you last week
can i go to your set today?
we can have lunch or idk

that's ok i get it
but i don't think i can see you today
i'm pretty busy rn

basic bitch💕

i'm on home office today
but that's not it

basic bitch💕
what is it then?

sam's in town
she has a list of things for us to do during the day so i don't really know when i'll be free
i'm just assuming it'll be late

basic bitch💕
she's still mad at me?

you know the answer to that, bish
every time she visits me you make the same questions

basic bitch💕
this time i was hoping i could meet her too
i want to say how i'm sorry for everything

this is random
why now?

basic bitch💕
it just hit me that i never apologized to your friends
and i'm just living here next to you while they're far away
i don't think it's fair

that's really nice of you
i'll try to set up a meeting for you two

basic bitch💕
what about...
i don't know
pool party at your place?
i can invite florence too so you guys know each other while i talk to sam

that sounds fun
i'll talk to her
talk to florence
i'm looking forward to meet her

basic bitch💕
she is a big fan so i think i'll make her a surprise

she is???
that's just perfect
see ya later mate

basic bitch💕
sometimes you're a little too british, you know?
see ya

After laughing about her last message, I fished my shower and dressed properly. Sam already sent me one million texts complaining about me being late.

Samantha is one of my closest friends from London. We went to school together and she was the only one excluding my family that knew about me and Scarlett. She used to give me this long speeches about how I was going to ruin my life dating with her. She didn't say those things because she hated Scar or something. She said it because she knew that I was giving up on my dreams to live Scarlett's.

I should've listened to her sooner. I would've avoided so much pain for the three of us.

However, she really started hating Scarlett after we broke up. I don't think she's wrong. I was really hurt back then.

"Hey, gorgeous!" She greeted me at the moment I landed my eyes on her table. Wow. She is stunning and weirdly fancy.

Every time she visits I just invite her over and we drink a lot while wearing lazy clothes. But now she's here for work not visit so she's definitely more dressed up.

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