Chapter 3: Unknown

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Chapter's song: Tenerife Sea – Lonely Girl (Spotify)

Y/N's point of view

"I have a surprise for you." I said to Scarlett.

She was standing in front of our bedroom mirror preparing herself for a work night.

I was getting used to sleep by myself so it didn't hurt me anymore. I know I could just invite a friend over but I don't have that much friends. Someone would have to stay more than a night and I would probably get tired of hosting them.

It's being a learning experience. Now I know that staying alone isn't that bad. I kind of like it, actually. Of course I miss her a lot, but it gives me time to work on myself. On my music.

She isn't the most supportive person about me going after a career because she believes that it'd bring more problems to our relationship so I don't go after that anymore. I write for her and that has been enough for me lately.

"Show me." She asks with a smirk on her face.

I sigh. "Not that kind of surprise, baby."

Her laugh's sound fill the room and makes my heart warm. Such a dork.

I'm gonna marry this girl.

"My bad!" She jokes.

"Okay, miss funny pants. Do I have all of your attention?" I question her.

I didn't need to look at her to know that she nodded. My guitar was placed on my lap and my fingers made it's way to where they had to.

Her eyes soften as she watched me start.

"Oh my God, you're singing to me?" She asks, excited. I nod as I play the first notes.

You look so wonderful in your dress
I love your hair like that
The way it falls on the side of your neck
Down your shoulders and back
We are surrounded by all of these lies
And people that talk too much
You got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us
Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need
I'm so in love
So in love
So in love
So in love

I watch as her tears rolls down her face and I knew that even if I wanted to I wouldn't ever be able to get out of her life. I need this bold and shiny smile in my life. I need her.

"You wrote me a song?" She asks between hiccups.

I smile and leave the guitar on my bed. "Not the first one and definitely not the last." Scarlett drops all of her work stuff to throw herself on me. I grab her hips and squeeze tightly.

"I love you so much, pumpkin." She whispers against the skin of my neck. "So much." She kisses my forehead two times and pops my nose. "Thank you. This is enough for me too."

We lock our gaze and all of the sudden, nothing exists except for this. "I want to show you how I feel. Let me make love to you." I whisper, wishing her consent. Begging her to skip this single day of work.

"Please. I need you to."

A little bit weird think that we broke up about two or three weeks after that. The things weren't working for us anymore, I guess.

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