Chapter 13: The night we met

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A/N: This is a special chapter telling the story of Scarlett and Y/N.
By the end there's the continuation of the last one because I wanted to make  some suspense, but it's really important you read it.
(If you don't have interest on the story with Scar you can just jump to the end but I do not recommend.)

See you in the footnotes!

Trilogy: 1/3
Words: 8.5k

[January 2013 – The night we met]

Y/N's point of view

I walk to the food table – which is decorated with a white towel – full of cheeses, cookies and fruits.

Two of my closest friends – Samantha Bryant and Natalie Green – are already there. One has a glowing dark skin that seems softer every time I see her and the other as white as a piece of paper but has these eyebrows that intimidate you until you give in. This two are the most beautiful and intelligent angels in the world. They take care of me like I'm some type of rare diamond so I am always feeling loved.

I run to them and almost throw myself into their arms.

"What's up? How was the meeting?" Natalie asks with an excited look.

"It was okay, I think. She said she thinks Cambridge will have to thank me for the privilege of having me as a student, and that the first batch of letters of acceptance will be sent soon." I take a dish and start serving myself, wishing the pieces of cheese could be a little bigger. I'm so hungry that I could eat a whole piece. I spent the day like a crazy because of this meeting and now that it's over I just want to relax and eat something.

"Oh, you got this, then!" Natalie hands me a fork and I grab it, completely concentrated on the plate on my hand. "But are you absolutely sure you won't attend the Sixth Form?" She asks and I look at Samantha, who only shrugs.

The three of us are counsellors of the Professor Feige, who is a great supporter of helping teenagers our age. There are other organisations in our college focussed on the formation of professional contacts, but her orientation is exclusively to the advancement of women, and I have no words to thank her for the support.

Today's cocktail is designed so that its students can meet some faculty members of the most competitive graduate programs in the country. Natalie has graduated from all thirteen years of high school for about three years ago and is already in college but is planning to change, unlike me and Samantha. I got a permission from my school to apply to colleges having finished only the GCSE. Sam, in the other hand, is already trying for her opportunity in a fashion course.

Professor Feige's house looks like a sea of oestrogen. Apart from her husband, there are only two other men here. I'll miss this place when I achieve my goals. It's been like a second home for me lately.

"I'm crossing my fingers," I say, in response to Natalie's previous incentive. "If I don't get into Cambridge, then I'll go to Oxford or St. Andrews." Which would be good, but Cambridge would practically guarantee me the work I want after graduating – a job in one of the main hospitals in the country.

We stay at the cocktail party for a few hours until my mother calls asking us to take care of the bar at the event she is doing. Apparently, some famous personalities have agreed to make a party to promote my family's pub.

We took Sam's car and drove like crazy to the place. By far, we could already see the absurd amount of security guards holding fans outside. I roll my eyes and guide the girls through the back door. Natalie and I didn't care about any of the personalities present here, although she came all the way saying she has a friend of hers here that she wanted me to find, but compared to Samantha, who was throwing herself on stylists and actors, we are well focussed on the work.

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