„sure. I'll see you in the morning then." I answered and she got up taking her bag and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

„Sleep tight sweetie. See you tomorrow." she answered and left smiling softly at Ben and Vivian knowing that they will take good care of me.

We waited until we heard the door close and they both turned around to look at me.

„Bre I have never seen her like This before. I think she has changed." Vivian began to talk as we continued to eat our meal.

„I hope so. It is really weird seeing her act and talk like this. I mean I always wanted her to be like this don't get me wrong but I'm just..."

„Scared that she will leave you?" Ben finished my sentence and I nod at them. They know what is going on in my mind.
They knew my story with my parents on how distant they were.

„Yeah. I just don't want to get hurt all over again y'know." they both nod at me.

„we get it. But we've seen a lot of changes in these nine weeks. She opened up to us and we talked to her. She was talking about how much she regrets treating you like this. It was a shock to us as well but we noticed that this wasn't a facade she put on. We think it's real and you should give her a try." Vivian added and I really hope they are right on this one. That she isn't gonna leave me or turn on me. That she will be with me from now on.

„So did I miss anything special during those nine weeks?" I asked and they shook their heads while chewing their pizza.

„You didn't miss anything special. Nate asked about you a couple times but we didn't say anything in case he would have walked in here without telling anyone." Vivian answered and I nod appreciating that she didn't say anything.

„Classes where boring as usual. You didn't miss much stuff since were almost done with everything.  It just wasn't the same with you not around us. Many people asked about you but we only said it was something with your family. We figured it would be best if they didn't know." Ben added as he took his third slice.

„Thank you guys for keeping this low. You know I'm not loving to stand in the middle." I answered taking a bite of my pizza.

„What did the doctors say by the way?" Vivian asked with a full mouth.

„Well she said we gonna do some CT's and head scans tomorrow. Some other tests as well to see if I remember things."

„Well do you remember everything?" Ben asked hesitated.

„I don't think so. I feel like something is missing. I don't even know what it is to be honest." I answered as in leaned back into my bed.

„What about the things that happened right before the accident? What do you remember?" Vivian asked and I feel how the topic got serious.

„the only thing I know is that we drank at night. After that it's black. I don't know anything after that." I explained explained and I felt how the aura shifted between us.

Somehow I feel like they know something important I don't know about.

„Guys is there something you want to tell me?" I asked and they looked at each other and back at me.

„Nothing. Everything's fine." Ben answers and I didn't believe a word.

„What are you not telling me? I can tell that there is something wrong. So what is it." I demanded slightly easing my voice at them.

„You should remember that yourself bre. Fishing with your mind while you can't remember might bring more damage. Doctor miller told us not to tell you the things we know. This will bring the process of remembering out of control."
Vivian explained and I know that they are right but something tells me that this information is important for me. Or a person I don't know it's hard to tell.

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