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hands were slammed on your table, violently pulling you out of your oasis and making you jolt. while the color of embarrassment spread all over your face, your tired eyes tried to find the solution to the question that might've been asked.

the teacher's hands were still resting on your table, his face angry. "you can not really afford to sleep during my lessons, miss l/n! " he spit out, louder than necessary. you leaned back as though to escape his words.

"sorry, sir." you weren't sure whether to look at him to signal respect or to do so by looking at your table. you glare was just blank. fortunately, the teacher decided to not bother you anymore, or rather, to let you bother him.

around you, everyone had gotten up and was changing seats. disoriented, you looked around for any instructions.

a certain someone audibly pulled a chair along with him and sat opposite to you on your table.

"what are we supposed to do?" you whispered, slightly bend over the table to have him hear you better. suna grinned. "i have absolutely no idea. everyone started moving and i figured you didn't have a partner ... since you took a little break" he joked.

your rolled your eyes at him but cracked a smile.

fingers fiddling a little nervously under the table, you tried to pay attention to the teacher's words but your gaze drifted off to a brunette middle part and a wonderfully sharp jawline.


"i'm so sure that we will never need this in the future" saya mumbled to herself while collecting her loose maths notes and stuffing them into her backpack. you watched, leaning against the teacher's desk.

"yeah, probably. there is not one day that i am thankful for whoever decided to found schools" you agreed. saya threw her head back and let out a loud groan when she shouldered her back.

the classroom was empty. the last rays of sun were fighting their way through the thick clouds that spread over the sky, darkening it to a dull grey.

"you going home with me?" you asked and shoved your hands into your pocket. saya glanced at you. "hmm" she hummed affirmatively.

there was a sound, disturbing the silence that was filling the lonely hallways of the building. saya rummaged in her bag while you just stared out the window. there were no sun rays left, only a thick dark mass covering the usual baby blue.

the water hadn't been so great lately. maybe it was a bad omen.

"yeah, hi." you glimpsed at your friend, noticing that the noise had been a phone call which she had received. the girl's s face portrayed shock and panic for a second. you frowned.

"oh fuck. yeah. sure. sorry. i'll be there in a minute."

then she hung up, her face turning to you quickly. "i can't come with you. i forgot i have a game today!" she looked at you apologetically.

"oh" you formed with your mouth, disappointment creeping up on you slowly. nevertheless, you shot a smile at her. the idea of watching a funny movie while it rained outside, fell apart.

"i'm very sorry" saya repeated over and over, blowing you kissed while running backwards towards the stairs. "it's alright! good luck!"

she was out of sight already. fighting against the knots in your headphones' cable, you gazed out the window again. it was raining.

"again" you sighed hopelessly, the memory of leaving your umbrella at home, in the back of your head, reminding you that you could prepare for another cold.

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