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you opened your eyes, immediately blinking against the sudden brightness. your neck hurt and your head was pulsating painfully, you could literally feel your heartbeat.

your hand felt soft fabric, so you weren't
lying on the floor like you'd expected. wait,
why did you expect to lie on the floor?

as you thought about it, you found your
mind to be empty. there was a big gap regarding the events after you'd left your house. you guessed that you'd just drunk too much at saya's party.

you hand shielded your eyes from the sun which shone right in your face. ever sunray worsened your already bad headache.

your nails scratched the spot below your ear, which was a little sore, when you turned to
the side. a tired groan left your mouth and
you noticed how dry your throat was. „hmmm, water..." you mumbled.

it took you almost five minutes to get out of
the bed, but eventually you'd won the fight against the sheets. your aber feet touched the floor which was warmed up by the sun, it felt wonderful and you could've stood there forever.

but your thirst kept you going. when you entered the kitchen, you recognized something odd for the first time. this wasn't your kitchen.

yours was way smaller and honestly not as modern. saya's kitchen was modern but not like this. so, where were you?

you turned around, analyzing your environment for possible hints. nothing. you didn't recognize anything. „where the fuck
am i?" you whispered to yourself, ruffling your hair in a stressed gesture.

looking down on yourself, you realized that
you weren't wearing your outfit from
yesterday as well. the shirt on you didn't
belong to your wardrobe either. it was too big to even be oversized, more like a dress.

your thoughts rolled over and the pain in
your head stung a little more.

„good morning, sunshine."

you startled, fortunately you hadn't been able to find a class which you would've dropped by now. anyway, your heart skipped a beat as a tired looking boy entered the room, rubbing
his eyes.

you kept quiet, debating whether to stab him with one of the knives that were actually quite out of reach, or to just return his greeting. latter seemed more effective.

„uh..." you stuttered, suddenly there were no words appropriate enough. „hi." well done.

the boy raised his gaze, looking at you like
you were an extinct dinosaur. maybe you weren't the only one who couldn't remember anything? hopefully.

he approached you and fear as well as confusion fought their way to your clouded brain, causing heat to rise up your neck. he stopped, only a few millimeters separating you two now.

it was the beginning of a weird staring contest, something like if you blink you loose. the extraordinary color of his eyes reminded you
of some things and individual events from yesterday filled

you must've been as red as a tomato when he spoke to you again. „would you mind stepping aside? your occupying the drawers." perplex, you furrowed your brows, a little unsure what his words meant.

step aside. occupying the drawers.

your mind processed things slower than usual, as if you were still drunk, but eventually you managed to follow his request with a concentrated look on your face, like it was a
tough challenge. „thank you" he replied, bending over to grab two bowls.

you watched him as if this was some exciting
live show you wouldn't miss for anything. the boy was obviously a little bothered by the way
you bluntly stared at him, but you didnt't notice of course.

„you like cereal?" he asked you, avoiding eye contact and opening the fridge. „uhhh...sure." actually, you weren't hungry at all but to not make this even more awkward, you just accepted his offer. it was probably for the better.

while he was preparing your breakfast, you searched your memories or any information about him. individual pictures flashed by before your inner eye, causing you to pitch your eyes together in pain.

but there was no name, no details, nothing.

„are you okay?" he implied and you opened your eyes, loosening the pressure on your temples. „yeah, just a headache." the first
thing you'd said without stuttering today.

„hold on, i'll look for some aspirin" you probable host announced, seconds later
he'd left the room.

the kitchen neither told you where you were nor who exactly that boy was, who just returned with package of pills in his hand.

you eyed him suspiciously, following each of his movements with your eyes until he placed
a glass of water in front of you in which a pill dissipated.

„it's just aspirin. i'm not poising you" he commented at your mistrustful look. you glance at him caught, lifting the glass up to your lips. it tasted terrible.

what bothered you wasn't that he was offering you some pills, but that you still had no clue who he actually was. where his parents home?

a moment later, the boy sat at his small
kitchen table, two bowls of cereal on it, one
for you and one for him. without another
word you joined him, picking up the spoon
and beginning to eat in silence.

nothing was spoken, yet it wasn't awkward.
it was more peaceful and you enjoyed
washing away the disgusting taste of the pill with a sweetened breakfast.

after you finished, you stayed silent and examined the living space once again. you
were dying to know more about him, at least his name, but you couldn't overcome yourself to ask. he seemed pretty annoyed by your presence already.

you cleared your throat uncomfortably, suddenly feeling the urge to leave. „so uh..."
you looked up from your emptied bowl as
he started speaking again.

„how much do you remember?"

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