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"this is so typical" you mumbled while bending over to get your {favorite drink} can out of the vending machine. "as soon as i show up, she leaves. talking about loyalty and bonding."

you straightened up, catching two girls staring at you awkwardly because of the fact that you were talking to yourself. you just shook your head and headed upstairs.

humming, you pulled out your phone from your hoodie's pocket. your steps echoed on the stone steps. only few pupils met your on your way upstairs, none of them actually paying attention to you. you liked it better this way.

actually, it was restricted to be on the rooftop. risk of suicide or an accident, the building was twenty meters high after all. but you just carefully pushed the door handle down, only to not make too much noise.

the fresh air hit your face, making you blink. the wind blew through your hair, playing with it until your hands interrupted. the breeze found its way through your sleeves and into your sweater, making your skin crawl.

you missed to catch the shutting door because your eyes were focused on something else.

fox eyes.

the loud bang was what pulled you back into reality. you just stared at him, he stared back. bluntly, intense, constantly.

you wanted to leave. this was weird.

„are you gonna leave?" he asked, casually leaning against the railing, which was supposed to stop those who actually came up here to do something they really shouldn't.

suicide. not the smoking. suna was smoking. the railing obviously didn't stop him.

he'd noticed your hand which unconsciously had been reaching for the door handle again, pushing it down and fleeing into the empty staircase.

„uhhh..." you stuttered, voice suddenly shaky. the last time you'd been alone with him you were feeling blunt and confident, but right now, your legs felt more like giving in than stepping on him.

„whatever." he turned around. he just turned around. you frowned. he was confusing you. you couldn't judge whether he wanted you to be there or not.

controlled by something, certainly not your willing, your legs headed towards him. but they couldn't bare anymore than that, so you just sat on the wall one feet away from him, just making sure to pull down your skirt to hide certain parts.

acting totally concentrated when scrolling through your phone, you slurped your drink. from the corner of your eye you noticed suna sitting down next to you. he closed the gap of approximately one feet, which you'd left.

"i actually thought you'd leave" he said out of the blue.

you looked at him from the side, not putting your phone away from him, not wanting to signal him that he had your undivided attention, while your brain was ready to drop everything for even just a short conversation.

you didn't say anything.

"i took you for the type to just escape, you know."
"why would i?" you had actually thought about it, but he didn't have to know.
"well, we're alone up here. nobody would hear you."

he earned a frown. "seriously?" if this conversation was actually taking the suggested turn, you would rethink your choice of staying.
"i'm joking." he chuckled.

you scoffed and started biting your fingernail. "wanna give it another try?" you looked at him again. he was offering you a cigarette. again.

"what's with you and trying to get me to smoke?" you sighed and leaned back, not having any intention in taking the offer. he laughed. it was a joy to your ears, short but the echo in your ears seemed to last forever.

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