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deep inside, you'd wanted to surprise suna.

show up behind him, randomly make some weird comment or mysteriously meet his eyes while passing him by „coincidentally".

but there was not chance for that, because you locked eyes the second you and saya entered the house.

he wasn't right in front of you, but even from twenty meters distance you could get lost in his fox eyes. if saya hadn't pulled you along, you would've stayed still, maybe even waited if he made a move.

but no. says pulled you straight into the living room.

she mixed you and her something you didn't want to know the ingredients of, but you just downed it. „you-" saya watched, losing her words. „did you just .... down it?"

contorting your face in disgust, you weren't able to answer. through squinted eyes, behind her, you identified the blonde guy who apparently was the host.

„ah! y/n!"

you stared at him blankly.

how did he know your name, but you couldn't think of his? did he introduce himself already and you'd forgotten? you were at his party after all. invited per second hand, but invited. suna had never told you his name.

„i'm atsumu. atsumu miya."

ah. there had not been any introduction yet.

before you could ask him how he knew your name if you hadn't met each other yet, he turned his attention to saya.

„and you are?"
„i'm saya. saya kawasaki."
„kawasaki. pretty average huh?"
„at least i don't have to dye my hair to get attention."

even though you'd dyed your hair too, you didn't feel addressed. she was talking to atsumu, not you. you didn't really listen. more or less inconspicuously, you looked around. he was nowhere to be seen.

„uhh, i'll be in the bathroom. just a minute" you whispered to saya. „upstairs, first door on the left" atsumu guided you, which you were thankful for. with a small smile, you retreaded.

the effect of whatever had been in your cup was kicking in with time and you already felt dizzy while climbing upstairs. the bathroom was occupied. the noises coming from inside didn't make you want to knock.

you didn't want to go to the bathroom anyway.

your original destination met you on the end of the staircase, sitting on the lowest step. you almost oversaw him, if if his voice had not intruded your blurred thoughts.

„so we're lying now, huh?"

caught, you turned. he sat there, manspreading. jeans, sneakers, a hoodie. the usual. you could see his eyes glide down your figure, analyzing every inch of your tight top and the low waist jeans.

eventually, yellowish green met {e/c} again.

„i just changed my mind" you lied. he shook his head slowly, as if trying to show you he knew that you were lying. he could see through you. you didn't like it.

you stood in front of him, leaning against the wall. „alright. so i'm here, as you wished. what now?" you asked. saya must've put something strong in that drink because you could already feel your nerves sharpen.

before any words could escape his open mouth, someone intruded. a girl, black haired, sparkling blue eyes and perfect teeth, slumped onto the stairs next to suna.

you watched how suna's gaze switched from you to her. „i've been looking for you for hours!" she exclaimed and hugged his arm. your face was neutral when suna pulled his arm out of her grip, just to put it around the girl's shoulder.

„who's your friend?" she asked with a smile, you couldn't tell whether it was fake or genuine. „i'm y/n" you said, before suna could. he looked at you while demonstratively pulling the girl closer.

„hi! i'm yui!"

god, that was so average. you didn't grab her offered hand, you just nodded. „hi."

the whole situation made you uncomfortable, and, even more, furious. you pushed yourself off the wall, withdrawing without another word.


you'd had too much. again. you really didn't learn from your mistakes. you'd reached a level of drunkenness that you could ignore the nausea that had settle inside you.

freaks was playing and some guy, who had been hanging around you for quite a while now, invited you to dance.

of course, you'd agreed. the two of you just jumped around to the song, up and down, waving your hands left and right. when he shouted out the lyrics, not even hitting one note properly, you could help but laugh.

it was fun. there was no clinging to each other, no slow dances, no tension. or at least so you'd thought. because when the music got a little faintly, it felt like the two eyes that had been staring at your back, were now burning holes into it.

when it stroke midnight, the playlist switched to slow songs. it didn't fit your current mood after all. trying your best to fight off the arms of your previous companion who apparently had the intention to also enjoy the romantic vibes with you, you stumbled backwards.

eventually, he would leave you alone and you hurried outside to get some fresh air. saya had been out of your sight for more than an hour now. but you were too drunk to worry.

outside, you weren't alone.

you'd avoided the garden for a good reason and chose to leave through the front door. there was someone leaning against the fence. you recognized him almost immediately.

"rinniiieeee" you grinned and raised your hands. maybe he was afraid that you'd hit him, because when you approached him, he grabbed your hands, twirled you around and made you lean against his chest.

"where've you beeeennnn?"
"i was right behind you the whole time. you were busy." his voice sounded a little bit more joyful than usual, but one could almost overhear it.

"no! you were busy! with yui!"
you sounded like a toddler.

you could feel his chin rest on your head, it gave you a vast amount of butterflies. you smiled like the biggest idiot. fortunately, he couldn't see you. but he didn't reply to your comment either.

you stood there, leaning against the fence, hands interlaced, more or less attentively observing everyone who got in and out of the house. some of them did throw you meaningful glances.


suna was scared for a moment. scared, that you could hear his heart pace up like he was riding a rollercoaster.

"can we leave?"

you'd caught yourself thinking whether he was engaged with yui in any way, let it be very good friends or even a couple. if that was the case, he'd most likely turn down your offer.

and you'd most likely have to get over the happy feelings he was causing in your stomach, brain and heart.


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