Chapter 1

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(Venti's POV)

In the gentle light of the moon, a certain bard was traveling to Liyue to meet an old friend."I sure hope that Blockhead won't bonk me this time round," he quipped as he took a stroll down the road to find shelter to rest for the night. He looked up at the moon shining bright back at him as he recalled the nights that he would spend with his friends having fun, but all those moments are gone... forever. As he thought to himself, he also wished that HE was here too."Are you watching old friend? I hope you are," he said as he knelt at the grave before him."I miss you old friend, how long has it been?" he asked as he placed a bottle of wine down next to the gravestone.

Hot tears streamed down his face as he reminisced the last words his friend said to him be fore he passed on.Tears continued to stream down his face as he remembered the dying smile that his friend gave him before he was buried at the very spot where he now stands.

He slowly opened the bottle of wine and start to drink without a care in the world as he sang songs and played the lyre, little did he know that his old friend was watching from beyond the grave with a warm smile as he watched his friend fall asleep, he whispered into ear,"sleep tight Venti, and remember to see the world on my behalf, and thank you, old friend." as he faded back into the afterlife.

(Xiao pov)

"I wonder what Rex Lapis has summoned me for this time." Xiao wondered after receiving a letter form Zhong li formally known as Rex Lapis the Geo archon asking to meet him at the wangsheng funeral parlour in the evening to discuss something in private." I hope its nothing serious" he was so deep in thought that he didn't realise that he had arrived at his destination.

"Xiao, just the person I was looking for."Xiao heard a familiar deep voice that snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see Zhong Li and Hu Tao looking back at him. " Hu Tao, can you leave for a moment , there's something I'd like to discuss with Xiao." Zhong Li said as he looked at Hu tao. " Sure, I have to deal with some clients anyway." Hu Tao replied as she skipped off to take care of business. " Milord Rex Lapis, why did you summon me?"Xiao asked out of curiosity, since it was not normal for Zhong Li to summon him unless he needed him to do something urgent or it was a fatal matter. "Xiao, the reason I summoned you here was because I was informed that there is an increase of beasts in the area"

( I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of my story!See you in the next chapter!Sorry if this is too short!And for you dirty sinners, this is just the beginning!See ya'll in the next chapter)

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