Safe In Your Arms (ChanLix)

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"It'll be fine," Chan simply assured as they laid down together to get some rest. "Those things happen, and it's not like it was anything too bad, either. They'll forget about it the moment something more interesting happens."

Felix simply nodded, stifling a yawn as he nuzzled the scent glands on Chan's neck, inhaling his mate's scent deeply. He quickly fell asleep, the alpha gazing at him fondly before he eventually pressed a kiss to his forehead and closed his eyes, too.


Throughout the following week, though Felix really restrained his own access to any sort of social media, he still knew for a fact that people still talked about what happened during the variety show.

He knew because Jisung kept on dropping by to hug him at the most random times, and because Jeongin kept on apologizing every time they got together. He knew from the way Minho kept on making his favorite meals, and from the way Hyunjin would cling to him during practice despite not being a fan of physical contact. He knew because Changbin would sometimes look about ready to throw his phone against the wall and then would look at him sadly, and because Seungmin constantly fretted about his injured wrist.

He knew because over the course of the week, Chan only grew increasingly protective of him. Now, the sweet alpha had always been known to be quite protective of his pack, and even more so of his mate, but this week was reaching... another level, so to speak. Chan was always checking up on him, rarely left him alone, and he even growled at one of the managers once because the poor man accidentally hit Felix's injured wrist while he was handing them water bottles. But still, Felix knew it was only a matter of time before the craze for scandals moved to another unfortunate victim, so he never asked about the comments, and no one ever told him anything about them.

By the end of the week, however, he was growing a tad tired of the distance he'd put between him and STAY. He was about ready to return to the flow of life, which included social medias, meaning he wanted his phone back, and he also wanted to do something a little special so as to reconnect with their fans.

Which is why he asked Chan to join him on Chan's Room later that day.

"I don't know, baby. It's still a bit early..."

"Come on, hyung," pouted Felix. "It's VLive – you know that for every bad comment, there's a hundred positive one. I'll be fine."

"I'm just worried about you," sighed Chan, hugging him tightly.

"I know, and I appreciate it, but I'm not made of fragile glass that'll break at the slightest jostle." With a small smile, Felix kissed the tip of his nose. "I'll be fine. And, if things do happen to turn bad, then I know I'll have my wonderful, strong alpha to protect me."

A happy rumble built up in Chan's chest as the older nuzzled Felix's scent gland for a bit, taking in his sweet honey scent. As much as the alpha loved taking care of his omega, he was always weak to praises, and Felix was always happy to provide.

"Alright," Chan finally caved in. "But if they're mean to you, I don't think I'll be able to control myself."

Felix simply chuckled, leaning down to steal a kiss.


Okay, so maybe Felix should have taken Chan's warning seriously.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Chan was cursing. He was cursing out "fans". During Chan's Room. Live. If this wasn't a catastrophic scenario, then Felix didn't know what was. But really, he should have seen it coming – with how unstable Chan's instincts had gotten in the last few days, it really shouldn't have come as a surprise that such awful comments would trigger his feral headspace.

[What happened to Felix?]

[I bet he faked those cramps.]

[He doesn't need to fake anything to be useless.]

[He's an omega, what did you expect?]

[Omegas shouldn't be Idols, he's proof enough!]

[I bet he's pregnant and that's why he's been hiding all week.]

[That's disgusting!]

And on and on it went. It started from people asking about what happened and how he was feeling because they were genuinely worried about him, to people like them – haters and bullies who didn't have anything better to do than put other people down so they could feel a little less sorry for themselves.

It upset Felix, of course. While he knew all of the comments made in the past week weren't pretty, he didn't think they were that bad. Fans in the comment kept on bringing up articles about why omegas shouldn't be Idols, why they're no good for the industry, why male omegas shouldn't even exist, etc.

And then there were comments directly about Felix, ranging from demanding he left the group so he wouldn't humiliate them again, to downright accusing him of having accidentally gotten pregnant and than having gotten a secret abortion in the past week – people calling him disgusting and vile and absolutely repulsive, and that he should be ashamed and kill himself for having killed his baby.

That did bring some tears to his eyes. Not only were the accusations false, but how could anyone be so cruel? But Chan had already been growing angry and, the moment he caught sight of the tears in Felix's eyes and the distress leaking in his scent, he snapped.

"You are worthless, pathetic excuses of human beings," seethed the alpha, practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes turned a deeper shade of red. "How dare you make such terrible allegations hidden behind your screens? How dare you accuse my mate of something like this without any proof to back it up? And how fucking dare you tell the person I love the most to kill himself!? How fucking dare you!?"

"Chan, Channie, it's okay, I'm okay," tried to cut in Felix, squeezing his shoulders in an attempt to snap him out of it. "It's fine—"

"It's not fine!!! You're the most amazing, sweet, caring person in the whole world, and you just have so much love inside of you and your light shines so bright and yet- and yet these assholes still find ways to hurt you because they have nothing better to do and I won't let them!!! I won't let them, or anyone, hurt my mate!!!"

Understanding he wouldn't be able to reason him before he said something he truly couldn't take back, Felix promptly turned off the live. He knew there'd be hell to pay for the scene they caused and that a scandal would undoubtedly arise from it but, right now, all that mattered was calming his mate down... and drowning him in love.

He climbed onto Chan's lap and hugged him tightly, exhaling deeply as the other burrowed his face in his neck and inhaled his scent.

"I'm okay, alpha. I'm alright, you protected me, I'm safe now," he murmured.

"Not safe," protested Chan, gritting his teeth. "Never safe. Not from them."

"Always safe," replied gently Felix, tilting Chan's chin up. "Because I have you."

Their eyes met and, after a few more seconds, Chan's finally regained their natural color. Felix smiled softly at the sight and briefly kissed his mate before pulling him into a hug again. In the end, as much as all of the comments pained him, he knew none of them actually mattered.

He knew he'd always be safe with Chan by his side.




Not going to lie, I completely forgot I what this one was. I rediscovered the whole story as I prepped it for posting xD

No second part! But do check out my book "It's Darkest of All Before the Dawn" - the last chapter is out now!

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin