Episode 39

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Lauren's POV

Today was the day. We were filming my coming out video. Yesterday was Joey's birthday, the day before was Mike and Christian's, so like every year we celebrated for all three of them in Joey's day. This year, the only thing that was different was that my girlfriend came too. I never brought anyone to these things and I was a little nervous about that at the beginning. We've invited friends over, but I never invited any of my exes. But it turned up good. After Spencer caught Mike in church, he came to see me to try to understand me, and then the shooting happened and what Spencer did there convinced him that she was good for me. So all my family was now okay with us being together. Joey even defended us with his friends when they said it was weird. It made me feel happy.

After the party was over I sat down with Christina, Lisa and Spencer to figure out how we were going to do that and when it will be posted. After the Q&A video was posted Christina said there were a lot of questions about who I was dating in the comments. We had that idea that the title of the video would be "Lauren has something to tell you", or something like that, Lisa would figure it out, she was good with titles for videos. And I will give some more hints on my Instagram account until then. We're going to the resort with my friends after the filming so that'll probably give me moments to hint with.

I decided I didn't want the intro for the video to be with the girls and I didn't want anyone else in there while I filmed this. Just Christina and I, not even Spencer. It would feel weird having to do that with other people looking. So thankfully, and unsurprisingly, no one was offended with my decision.

"Hi I'm Lauren" I said to the camera, Christina was right behind it. "And today I'm gonna... I have something to tell you..." I thought I had prepared for it, but I blacked out for what I had planned.

"Maybe tell them first that you're not sick or living the band or anything like that" Christina said and we both laughed.

"Oh no, no, no, nothing dramatic like that." I clarified but Christina motioned me to actually say it, "So you probably saw the title and you're confused, but it's not that dramatic, I'm not leaving the band, I'm not sick, and it's not anything like that, it's actually a good thing" I smiled shyly.

"Okay now go ahead, you got this" She looked at me encouraging, this brought my mind straight again and I started to remember what I wanted to say.

"Okay, so... Up until like 2 years ago Dani and I were in charge of... everything that had to do with the Cimorelli merch basically, and then one day Dani told us she wanted to focus just on the design, she didn't want to have anything to do with actually managing all of that, so she left it to me." I hope that didn't sound like I was blaming my sister, "And... I started doing that, but I wasn't that good at it and it was starting to be a lot for me." I saw Christina from behind the camera shaking her head when I said I wasn't that good at it.

"You were good, it was just a lot of work for you that you didn't particularly liked" She tried to help me pick the right words, but I ignored it and shrugged my shoulders.

"So one day I went to Christina and told her that I couldn't do it anymore, so we decided to look for someone from the outside to help us with that."

"From outer space" Christina teased my lyrics.

"Yeah..." I dismissed her, not caring about the reference from our songwriting challenge, "Anyway! So Christina is way better than me at... like... searching people..." I said with computer typing motion with my fingers, and we both laughed, "So she looked up in social media for someone who would be compatible, I don't know what exactly she looked for, but a couple of days later she arranged a meeting with this girl that she found." I took a deep breath at the mention of Spencer and knew there was no turning back now, "So we met her, she studies managing in college, and... So yeah, her name is Spencer, we clicked right away, she is doing an amazing job..." I closed my eyes trying to organize my thoughts again, "So like I said, we clicked quickly and we became friends immediately... We... hung out a lot... And became close friends and..." I stopped to think again, that was the moment I just couldn't figure out how to say. "And then we... Became closer, I guess you can say it like that... And then we started dating, so we're dating now and... Yeah... That's... That's it..."

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