Episode 8

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The door was opened and I saw a big smiley Spencer who crushed me with a big hug as soon as she saw me. I was surprised at first, but once I got stable I closed my eyes and hugged her back. I missed her warmth so much.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you too" Spencer pulled away but was still close to look me in the eyes, "How was your flight?"

"Exhausting, I thought Dani would follow me because she was surprised I went out instead of going to sleep." I rolled my eyes and she laughed and hugged me again.

"Come in." She took my hand and lead me to her room, I heard noises in the house but no one was in sight, so we didn't encounter anyone on our way up to her room.

"We're throwing Dani a surprised birthday party tomorrow, Emmyn planned it with our parents, we didn't really know about it until this morning... you wanna come too?" I told her and she nodded accepting the invitation while I sat next to her in her bed.

"I thought you were recording your new song tomorrow."

"That was the plan, but I'll push it for the day after" I shrugged and we stayed in silence for a few seconds, "We said we'd talk..." I started and she looked at me waiting for me to keep going, "Like... about what are we?"

"Oh" She smirked and I bit my lip, "You mean like, you wanna be my girlfriend?" She asked clearly teasing me and I smacked her arm, "Ouch! Okay, if you don't want to it's fine, no need to be aggressive about it!"

"You're annoying, like for real" I stood up pretending to be offended and she took my hand to get me to sit again.

"I actually didn't know I had to ask to make it official." She said sincerely.

"Okay so I'll ask" I decided to be brave about it, especially because the answer was already so clear to both of us, "You want to be girlfriend?"

"I mean... okay... I guess..."

"And you just HAD to be annoying again, didn't you?!" I got up again, this time when she took my hand she was standing in front of me.

"I do" She just said with a smile.

"Have to be annoying? Yeah I know" I had to get her back for her snarky response and she laughed shaking her head.

Spencer put the palm of her hands on both of my cheeks and leaned in. When our lips connected she hugged me and I put my arms around her neck, drowning in the entire feeling. I needed that so much while I was in LA, having that feeling that I was doing nothing wrong, that I could do this without hesitations. And I needed her to be with me, I missed her and now I could get through it all, with her.


"Ready? One, two, three! Happy birthday!!!" We screamed really close to Dani who jumped off her bed scared for her life. It was only Joey, Nick and I, but we still made it loud enough to scare her.

"Jesus I hate you" Dani mumbled when she understood what was happening and crawled back under the sheets.

"Wake up birthday girl!!" Joey didn't let her get it and pulled the blanket away from her, making her groan.

"Come on Dans, Emmyn will be here in like five minutes" I said knowing it will get her up and the three of us laughed at her when it did.

Dani got up to start getting ready for her boyfriend, we hugged her wishing her happy birthday properly now and then left so she could get ready. Emmyn will take her out almost for the entire day as they planned, but what she didn't know is that we will wait for her with the rest of our family and some of our friends for a surprise party when they come back.

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