Episode 18

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The day after the book signing I went to church with Amy and Kath. Christina was feeling better physically, but mentally I don't think so. So my sisters and I decided to go to church and pray for her and for Nick. I also took my time to pray that everything with Dani will go right. Not only with the band, but also our relationship. Dani was still mad at me, blaming me because Christina overheard my conversation with Spencer, it's been like two weeks since then and she still seems to be mad for some reason. I don't even know what exactly she was mad about, it's not like we did it on purpose, and she knew that.

"Lauren, we're leaving, are you staying?" Kath whispered to me and I looked up at her.

"Umm no, I'm good to go" I said and got up to walk out with them.

"Hey, did you talk to Dani about the wedding?" She asked me when we got our cars and I shook my head, "She told me that she's going to pick up a wedding dress in the next few days, I thought she'd tell you."

"Well, she didn't" I told her, clearly upset with my little sister for not sharing something like that with me and I got in the car, "See you tomorrow" I said as I closed the door of the car and drove away.

Actually I'll see Amy in a couple of hours, Kathrine and her had plans that I really didn't care what they were. My plan was to go home and wait for my girlfriend.

"Hi" Spencer came in when I opened the door, she looked around and I knew what she was looking for.

"She's not here." I said referring to Amy and pulled her in for a kiss after I closed the door.

"So what's up? How are you?" She asked me as I guided her to the couch.

"Weird... I mean, everything is... I don't know, just weird, and stressful..." I snuggled into her arms when we sat down.

"And you wanted to go through it alone? You know I'm here for you" She said and I couldn't dissipate the tone of her voice.

"Not really alone, I went to church a lot, I just needed some time with god" I shrugged it off and she broke away from me and looked at me, she looked disappointed.

"Lauren, if something is wrong, whatever it is with your family, work, us, whatever, I thought you would tell me." Spencer said and got up from the couch.

"I can tell you if you want-"

"If I want? How about if you want? I thought... never mind..." She shook her head and I could tell something was bothering her.

"What? What are you thinking about?" I got up from the couch and got closer to her.

"I just..." Spencer took a deep breath, not looking at me, "I mean, I know how you are with religion and god and prayers and all, and I didn't think it would bother me but..."

"What bothers you about it?"

"That you prefer to go to someone who can't... respond to you, or talk to you or actually help you" She said and finally looked at me.

"It does help me, in a different way." I tried to explain, but I had a feeling that this is not going to end well, and the mere thought of this was already making my tears fall.

"If we will fight, you'll go to church before you would come to me to fix it, right?" She asked, but I didn't know what to respond.

"I don't know." I said truthfully, "But I don't really wanna find out."

"I can't compete with this Laur, I don't want to... I'm sorry..."


"I saw Betsy yesterday, she said she asked you about me at church and you just told her that I 'couldn't come' as it was just a one-time thing that I missed church" She made a quote with her fingers, "So you ashamed now that you're not dating someone catholic?"

New - Lauren CimorelliOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora