Episode 16

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It's been a month since Alex's birthday. In almost 3 weeks we would start the Believe In You tour so the rehearsals were pretty intense now. I spoke with Alex, he apologized for the way it all sounded back at that dinner, he didn't mean to offend me and Betsy felt bad too for the things she said. I decided to just forget about it and move on.

A couple of days ago Christina told us she was pregnant. Everybody was so excited, she was going to be the first in the family to give birth, I couldn't wait to be an aunt and couldn't wait for Christina to be a mother.

Today we were going to film a harmonizing challenge, I don't know if we would do another one before Dani leaves, so I was really happy that it's a sister vs sister one and I got to do it with her.

"Hey I'm Christina" "I'm Kathrine" "I'm Lisa" "I'm Amy" "I'm Lauren" "I'm Dani"

"And we're Cimorelli"

"We are six sisters, ages 19 to 29, we make..." That pause again.

"Will you ever get it right??" Dani teased her, always the same, but it was always funny.

"I never remember if I say 'make' or 'do', okay? Don't judge!"

"We make!" Dani and I said at the same time and immediately looked at each other laughing.

"Okay, make, make, make" Christina mumbled to herself and looked at the camera again, "We make original music, covers, and other fun videos and we upload every single Cimorelli Saturday." She finally said it right, "Here we go... bam" She applaud herself and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah, like you didn't mess it up, not even once, bam" I joked and she squinted her eyes at me but didn't answer.

"So today we're gonna do the... Sister vs sister harmonizing challenge..." We all caught on to the fact that Christina wanted us to say it together, but some of us did when the sentence was almost over, so it sounded pretty weird.

"Again!" Lisa said right after that and I thought she wanted us to repeat the intro and do it right, Amy thought the same and actually expressed her confusion, but Lisa explained what she meant. So thankfully we wouldn't be repeating the intro, I hated repeating them.

Then, she wanted us to say all together her famous "Who's the winner and who's the loser" and that we caught on just in time. Now that made me proud, but I don't think they understood me when I called us "worldstar" for doing it right this time.

We were introducing the teams and Lisa and Christina were going back and forth about the team names while everyone was just looking at them and laughing.

"Team hateful bully is-" Lisa pointed directly at Christina who just laughed and then looked at the camera.

"You know what, like the video if you think calling someone stupid is actually the hateful bully" Christina replied to her little sister, and Dani and I simply couldn't stop laughing at them.

"Comment if you're five!" Kath said right after that.

"If you're five you probably can't write a comment" I said after thinking about it for a second and Dani chuckled, but then Lisa and Christina kept bullying each other, this time about liking the video.

"Like the video if you want world peace." Amy shouted beside me while I decided to "Call" 911 for help. Kath obviously liked Amy's idea.

"Guys, this is not going anywhere, let's move on" Dani started to get frustrated with the bickering.

"Let them have it" I tried to calm her down before she burst with anger.

"You're too nice sometimes Lauren" Dani rolled her eyes at me but she was smiling, so I guess she was not really on edge. Still.

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