Episode 37

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Lauren's POV

When I started driving to Spencer's house I called Christina who was blowing my phone with texts and messages.

"Lauren! Oh my god! I thought maybe it would be too much to call Spencer directly, what's up?" Christina asked right as she picked up.

"It's okay, everyone's fine and I'm on my way to Spencer's"

"What do you mean? Mike said you were at the school" She sounded confused.

"We were, but she drove with her mom and her sister back home and I'm driving her car from school to meet them there" I explained.

"Oh okay, how was everything? What happened? I mean, beside what they say in the news..."

"I don't know, they seemed fine, but I don't know what's gonna happen when the adrenaline will wash off" I said worried about how this will impact my girlfriend, and her sister.

"Whatever happens you'll be there for her, we'll see you tomorrow or the day after, as long as you need, alright?" She asked with a calm voice.

"Yeah, thanks"

"Always Laur, we're here with whatever you need, for Spencer and her sister too... I love you..."

"Love you too" I said and hung up just as I arrived. I got out of the car and walked to the door, knocking on it with a deep breath, I was hoping I would be able to help her for real.

"Hi Lauren," Her dad opened up for me with a sad smile, "Spencer is upstairs" He indicated and I nodded and walked up the stairs.

"Spence?" I opened the door slowly and peeped in, she was sitting on the edge of her bed and shaking her leg, but she stopped to look at me once she heard me, "Hey babe" I walked in and closed the door behind me carefully.

"Have you ever had recurring dreams?" She took me off guard with that question.

"I guess everyone has" I decided to go along with her on that.

"I have two of them... well they are not really recurring dreams, more like two recurring themes." She said while I sat beside her, listening. "One of them is a story for another day, but... the other one..."

"About what happened today?" I guessed and she made a 'kinda' gesture.

"I had a lot of dreams about violence, bad people chasing me, or that I'm in a middle of a warzone" She told me and I was pretty surprised, I was hoping she didn't have any traumatic memories of something, "I was always trying to get away but couldn't, you know that feeling? That you can't move, or you're moving too slow?" She asked and I nodded, "One day I told my dad about those dreams, he said if I wanted and like practiced for it I could actually change the course of my dreams, inside the dream" Spencer said and I looked at her a little suspicious.

"I don't believe that, the dreams always seem so real and they just happen."

"I know, but it worked, it actually works.... I don't remember how it happened because it was years ago, but I managed to control my dreams, change them." She wasn't smiling when she said that, but she did sound proud of herself, it's like she was conflicted about it.

"That sounds great...?" I said with a bit of question.

"It is, I started to be able to run away from the shooters, even-" She stopped and chuckled "I could even shoot at them back... I'm not a violent person, okay? I swear" She said like a joke and I laughed.

"Yeah, I know that" I said without thinking.

"I'm always shooting at them with fake guns, sometimes only with my hands, like doing-" She made a gun gesture with her right hand and we both laughed at that, "And everytime they didn't die I would like tell them 'I just shot you so basically you can't hurt me', and they wouldn't."

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