Episode 36

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"Spence" I whispered as I put my hands on her shoulder from behind, she turned around in my arms and I saw the tears coming down from her eyes, "Babe, what's up?" I asked her as I wiped some of her tears away.

"I'm sorry Laur, I'm sorry..." She tried to stop the sobbing as she kept mumbling, I kissed her to make her stop saying it.

She kissed back and I felt the salty tears in my lips, but I didn't let go. I hugged her tightly as I let go slowly and looked her in the eyes.

"I didn't mean to do this to you" She said and wiped away a tear.

"What are you talking about?"

"This is exactly what you were so afraid of, and until now I didn't realize how awful it could be..."

"Stop, stop Spence, please" I begged her and kissed her again, "It's okay, none of this is your fault, I swear" I took her cheeks in my hands.

"And Mike?" She asked and I could feel her relax in my hands.

"He'll get over it, I love you and he's gonna have to live with it, alright?" She took a deep breath and I smiled softly at her.

"Guys" Christina called us and I turned around to look at her, "Everything okay?" She asked and I nodded, putting my arms around Spencer's neck, "Wanna come back or you're calling it a day?" I looked at my girlfriend waiting for her to decide, but she was hesitant, "No one's gonna blame you if you wanna go home Spence, feel free."

"I think we're gonna leave" I decided for her after seeing she was still struggling.

"Okay" Christina nodded and went back inside.

"You wanna stay the night with me?" I asked Spencer with a cocky smile and she chuckled.

"Really? What about Amy?"

"What about her? She won't care" I kissed her cheek and started to lead her back inside while I took my phone out to text my sister that Spencer is staying with us.


Spencer's POV

It was the first time I was stalking someone in my car, but after yesterday I felt like I needed to do that. I parked my car and started to walk towards the church. I saw Mike sitting in the middle bench and I went to sit on the bench behind him.

"It's always so cold in here" I realized and he turned back to look at me.

"What are you doing here?! You can't be here!" I whispered with anger.

"Lauren brought me here a couple of times, I forgot it was freezing inside though"

"You stalked me?"

"Kind of..." I answered sincerely and heard him huffing, "Lauren was terrified to tell her family, you know? She was afraid you would... do just what you did."

"I'm not full of surprises like she is" He said ironically.

"No, but you're also her big brother, I don't think calling her a dyke is a really good example" I don't where I was getting to, but I had to try to change his mind, for Lauren's sake.

"I'm not gonna let Lauren be with you!"

"Do you know what your dad told Lauren and I a couple of days ago?" I asked him even if he wasn't looking at me, I knew he was listening, "He said that us being together was hard for him because he knew he would now have to see his daughter struggle with people giving us hard time for being together, and he hated that fact" I stopped for a second to see if Mike got the hint, he still had his back to me though, "I just don't think he thought it would come straight from his own son" I patted his shoulder and got up to leave him like that.

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