Episode 3

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"Can't believe you actually came, my savior" I jumped almost desperately in Spencer's arms and she laughed and hugged me back.

James came here two hours ago and him and the rest of the girls where just chatting, and as I suspected he didn't really notice me. Not that I'm offended, he wasn't rude and it's not like he completely ignored me, but I didn't like the vibe. Dani seemed to notice that, but didn't say anything.

"It's the food??" We heard from the living room. Spencer laughed and we went to them.

"Just Spencer" I stated with a shy smile.

"Hey Spence, what are you doing here?" Kath came to greet her while the others greeted from their places, being too lazy to get up. Spencer glanced at me as not knowing what to say, but she figured it out quick.

"I just finished class so I thought I'd come by." She shrugged and smiled at me, I don't know if my sister were buying it though, but they didn't say anything weird, so I guess it's okay.

"Oh James that's Spencer, our merch manager" Dani introduced them, and it just registered in me that they were both gay. I was a little scared from James' possible gay-radar.

"Hi, I'm James" He came over and gave her a hug and a light kiss on the cheek, she just smiled at him responding the gesture and he went back to sit on the couch.

"Let's sit over there" I whispered pointing at a different and empty area of the living room.

"So how is it going?" She asked me in a low voice, not wanting to disturb them and also not wanting them to hear us.

"Boring, they said they wanted to do the harmonizing challenge and practice on the cover, but none of this is happening right now as you can see" I looked towards my sisters and James who were talking really loud and happily.

"Dani didn't say anything to him about you?"

"Nope, don't think she will... but it really doesn't matter, I can live with it" I shrugged and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You didn't think that way when you called me your savior" She teased me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay don't brag! I take back what I said" I pushed her lightly and she shook her head.

"No, you can't, I can't unhear what I heard you say" Spencer said in a matter of fact.

"Yes look" I made a foolish gesture with my hands above her head like trying to take her memories away, but she caught up to it and took my hands in hers.

"No please! No...." She faked cried and begged putting her head on my lap while our hands were still together and I continued to laugh, even when I felt my cheeks starting to blush and my heart skip a beat.

"Food's here!" I heard Lisa calling, I didn't even hear the doorbell.

We were all eating the pizza in the living room, thankfully we ordered enough so Spencer could eat with us. I heard James asking Dani what Spencer's job with us is while he glanced at us and Dani answered briefly. I really hope his gay-radar won't work with Spencer, and if it does that he won't say anything to my sisters. I actually wasn't ready for them to find out yet. Even though it's not about me, it's up to her if and when to tell them and I won't stop her from doing that. But I had a feeling that if they found that out, they'll start looking at us in a different way, and at me. I know I did. And I definitely wasn't ready for that.

Ever since Spencer told me two weeks ago that she is gay she started to engage into more physical contact with me, and I started to actually want more of that too. Like right before food came, when she took my hands casually and put her head in my lap. We were joking around but I felt like she was testing me, and I felt like I was passing the test.

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