Episode 31

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I drove my new car to the house we were having the meeting at and sat on the stairs in front of the door, waiting for Kathrine to come. My mind was running scenarios on how to tell her, and how to confront Amy again. I haven't seen her since two days ago when we had that fight, or kind of a fight. But after I got back yesterday from hanging out with my brothers, I finally had time for myself, and it felt really relaxing.

"Hey" I heard Kathrine's voice and I looked up, she sat beside me, one step higher on the stairs, like she wasn't high enough.

"Hey, did you reschedule with Max or...?"

"No, we went out earlier, don't worry about it" She smiled softly at me, "So what's up?" She asked and I sighed.

"I don't... I don't really know how to say it, I don't want you to be mad" I said truthfully and my hands started shaking.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Amy is."

"Amy is mad? At you? That doesn't sound really believable" She chuckled, when you say it like that she's probably right.

"She freaked out, I haven't talked to her the entire day yesterday" I told her.

"Why? What happened?" She put her hand on my shoulder with concern.

"She saw me... With... Spencer." I said almost in a whisper and Kath pulled her hand off.

"She saw you with Spencer? What?"

"She saw us kissing and freaked out, Spencer and I, we're dating" I blurted it out and wiped a tear that surprisingly escaped from my eye.

"Do you want me to talk to her?" Kath asked me and I huffed.

"No Kath, I can handle Amy, what I need is for you to not avoid it and tell me what you think" I said a little too harsh.

"About you and Spencer?" She asked confused and I nodded, "Lauren, what did I ever say or do that made you feel like I wouldn't be okay with this?"

"Nothing, you... You said nothing, that's the point, I have actually no idea what you think, or mom and dad" I tried to explain why I was so doubtful.

"I didn't know I had to, you never talked about girls like that, it never came up."

"You're right" I shrugged, "There was never nothing to talk about, until... Spencer" I said still not looking at her.

"How long have you two been together?" She asked with interest and I smiled at the thought.

"Six months."

"Oh wow, well I'm happy you finally feel confident enough to tell" She caressed my hair and I turned to look at her, "Are you happy with her?" She asked me with a smile and I nodded, "Then I'm happy for you, you deserve to be happy, truly" She gave me a hug and I let her engulf me, "I love you" She mumbled, I was feeling so relief with this talk.

We heard a car pulling and I looked up, Amy pulled out of the driveway and turned the engine off. She was on her phone when she got out and came to the door. She didn't even look at me, she just waved lightly at Kath and walked in still talking on her phone.

"I don't understand, I mean, it's Amy... Like, is she really not okay with this?" I asked Kath almost with desperation.

"I don't know, it's weird of her to act like this, but let her calm down and then try to talk to her again" She suggested and I nodded at the idea.

"Cool car" I heard my girlfriend's voice from the driveway and looked up, smiling when I saw her, "I guess it was worth the accident?" She joked but when she saw we weren't laughing she took it back, "Sorry, too soon?" She asked worriedly and I nodded, "But it is a cool car, what about your phone?"

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