Episode 35

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"And the last thing is... we love you Dani" Christina concluded and I leaned my head towards my younger sister until Christina called for a group hug and I felt Lisa pulling me in with her to hug Dani, "Depressing" Christina said and I couldn't agree more.

"Okay that's enough depression for today" Dani said and squeezed the hand that was holding mine, we all let out a chuckle and let go of the group hug.

Boone lowered the camera and we knew we finished filming the video. They were all crying and I surprised myself how I could get myself together and be strong for her through the video. I think I just had enough crying about this already, I had leverage over the rest of my sisters because I was the first person Dani told, so I had a lot of time to process, cry and be part of Dani's process too.

Dani got up from the couch and looked at me, I took that as a sign and got up as well, she launched on to hug me tightly. She was done crying, but that got me to tear up. I wasn't expecting her to do that or to even need it, but I embraced her anyway for as long as she needed me to.

I don't know how much time has passed with us hugging, I don't think it was that long, but she finally broke the hug and went to hug Boone and Arielle. I walked over to Spencer as I put my arm on Amy's shoulder as I passed her, she was crying watching Dani hugging the rest of our sisters down the line, Amy would be the last.

"Are you okay?" Spencer whispered to me and hugged me from the side as I nodded and watched Dani.

"Better than I thought I'd be" I answered genuinely.

"Good" She winked at me and I blushed, Dani laughed at me when she saw and went to hug Spencer.

"Keep making her blush, it's cute, and she deserves that." Dani told my girlfriend when she hugged her but I heard it.

"Hey, what do you mean that I deserve that?" Dani pulled away and rolled her eyes at my question.

"I mean that you deserve to have someone who makes you blush Lauren" She explained and I blushed again, everyone was watching us because they were following Dani's movements.

"Oh" I lowered my head with a shy smile and she hugged me again, kissing my cheek.

"Okay, guys are you ready to go? Acacia is on her way to the restaurant" Kath asked us with a sweet smile and we nodded.

When I looked at everyone I saw Christina looking behind me at the door leading to our meeting area, I turned around with Dani and Spencer who noticed the same thing and my heart picked up the pace. Our dad was standing there watching us with teary eyes, I have no idea how long he's been there, but I wanted to know what he was doing here.

"I'm proud of you Dani, you are very brave for doing this" Dad said in front of everyone.

"Thanks dad" Dani said with a smile.

"Really dad?" Christina said with an angry tone and I knew she was doing this for me, "You came all the way here just to tell Dani how proud of her you are in front of everybody? Why? So we should know Lauren is the black sheep and Dani is better than her?" Christina raised her voice just enough to make her point and something about what she said made me really anxious.

"What are you talking about?" Dani asked our sister with confusion, I was glad Christina kept her promise and didn't tell her what had happened.

"It's nothing," Dad answered and I guess it only got Christina even more mad, "Just a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding? Dad-"

"Stop!" I decided to intervene, "I don't wanna do this right now" I pleaded pointing with my head towards Arielle and Boone, but especially because of Spencer, I don't want to expose her to this.

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