▪️▪️▪️CH. 51▪️▪️▪️

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The sound of the alarms going off jolted Hoseok and Jimin into action. They shot forwards, scanning the monitors and noting the readings. Jin was pushed out of the way and left to watch the drama unfolding on the screen as Hoseok wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Jungkook's biceps and began to take his blood pressure. Jimin checked the fetal monitor and cursed under his breath before grasping Kookie's wrist and checking his pulse rate. His eyes narrowed as he counted off the beats per minute.

"Pressure has increased," said Hoseok as he released the air from the cuff and reached for the thermometer.

"Pulse is elevated. What's the pressure reading?" asked Jimin.

"One hundred and sixty two over eighty five."


"Temperature is 100.4."

"Bring me the ultrasound now," said Jimin and then turned his attention to the frightened young man. "Jungkook? How bad is the contraction?"

"Hurts more than the others did but it's easing off a little now," Kook whispered. "Jimin hyung? What's happening?"

"Take it easy, Jungkook. It's all this drama going on, the shock of what is happening is causing your body to release hormones into your system and in turn those hormones are triggering labor. I will need to give you another dose of the Ritodrine to try and stop them; obviously the first dose wasn't strong enough. Firstly though, I want to check the baby again."

Jimin turned to Hoseok who had brought the ultrasound machine over to the bed and took the gel bottle. "The fetal monitor is showing that the baby's heart rate is going up, which usually indicates some distress. I want to see what exactly is happening inside and that the baby is still safe enough and not under any undue pressure."

Jungkook obediently raised the gown again for Jimin to spread the gel on his abdomen. He didn't need to voice his fears, they were clear enough in his eyes.

Jimin was worried. The Ritodrine usually helped to stop the premature labor contractions but like all the other tocolytics it was generally only effective in stopping labor for 24 to 48 hours. With all the advances in medical science they were still to develop a drug that could and would effectively stop premature labor. All Jimin could really do was try to delay Kookie's labor long enough for Taehyung to finish his assignment and get to the hospital. With the continued worry and stress Jungkook was currently going through he didn't hold much hope in the drug's effects. Human hormones were pretty powerful things.

Gently Jimin ran the sound head over Jungkook's abdomen, the image appearing on the screen. The baby appeared to be okay at this stage, a little stressed but not in any immediate danger. Jimin's main concern was the pressure the baby's head would undoubtedly soon be applying to Kook's deformed 'cervix'. Given his unusual anatomy, any strong pressure on that small opening could be disastrous. With a worried frown he passed the sound head back to Hoseok and wiped Jungkook's abdomen off.

"Shall I fetch another ampoule of the Ritodrine?" asked Hoseok as he turned off the equipment.

"Yes, please," replied Jimin and then turned her attention to the pregnant man. "Kookie? Listen to me. I'm going to give you another shot of the Ritodrine, hopefully it will slow these contractions down. I won't lie to you, all this stress and excitement is adding to the problem. Your body is reacting and releasing hormones into your bloodstream which in turn have triggered your labor. I know you're worried but you have to calm down, it's imperative that you don't put any more stress on yourself."

"The baby?" Kookie asked with a quaver in his voice.

"At this stage the baby is a little stressed but not unduly so. If we can keep you calm and let the drug work then the pressure on the baby will also ease. I know it isn't easy when all this shit is going down but if you don't calm down then I'll have no choice other than to turn off that television; either that or perform an emergency C-section."

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