▪️▪️▪️CH. 8▪️▪️▪️

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The group is intending to use this office here as the home base." Jungkook pointed to the appropriate area on the map, "From here we split into two groups, one will take the stairwell and the others the elevator. The handguns will be used to take out the guards and the cameras on the fourth floor."

Taehyung studied the map to see where the guards were to be positioned and where the cameras were mounted upon the wall. "I'll have secondary cameras mounted here and here," he stated and pointed to the spot above the elevator where the floor numbers were indicated and the clock that sat on another wall. "I'll also install two more in the foyer and four in the conference room itself. The air vents should provide the cover needed for them. That way we will have all the evidence we need on tape."

"What about audio?" Yoongi asked.

"I'll carry a small recording device on me and it should be easy enough to plant bugs in the potted plants," Jungkook replied.

"The guards will all be wearing bullet proof vests. The politicians will all be replaced by MNS agents, again wearing the necessary protective gear and they will also be armed. The other staff will be kept away from the floor and notified that there is a fire drill taking place at the time the attack is scheduled for." Taehyung turned to look at his partner. 

"I should find out the time and final details in four days. The recon will be done by then and I have the final briefing to attend. I'll confirm the details that day," Jungkook stated.

"Backup agents will be placed on each of the floors above and below the fourth, covering the exit points." Tae straightened up. "Any questions?"

"Where will you be while all this is going on, Hyungie?" Jungkook asked.

"The security base will be set up on the third floor, right here."

Taehyung showed Jungkook the exact spot on the map. It was strategically placed so that they could monitor the events on the fourth floor and should their intervention be required, they could be there within minutes.

"Yoongi hyung and I will be based here; we can monitor and run the entire operation from this room. Why did you want to know, Kook?" Tae asked.

Jungkook leaned over and placed a quick peck on boyfriend's cheek. "Just so I know where to go to get my congratulatory kiss when this is all finished."


Jungkook lay in their bed; he really didn't want to leave the warmth and security of the blankets. The queasy feeling was back in his stomach so he headed for the bathroom. He shut the door and turned the shower on to disguise any noise, lifting the lid of the porcelain bowl he'd come to know intimately, and began what was now becoming a morning ritual for him. There was nothing in his belly other than bile to bring up and the heaving stopped after a minute or so. He quickly rinsed his mouth and flushed the toilet before stepping under the spray for a quick shower.

He donned his usual outfit for the street work, black jeans and slightly torn black and red sweater. Heavy combat boots and a worn leather jacket completed the outfit and Jungkook was ready for work. He couldn't help but notice that his jeans were beginning to fit a little more snugly around his hips. They weren't uncomfortable by any means and it wasn't much, but he had begun to notice it. Maybe he needed to stop eating the S'mores bars. He was now consuming one a day and would have more, but somehow managed to restrict himself. He couldn't understand though why all of a sudden he would be desiring something so sweet. And not just anything sweet... it had to be a S'mores bar. Nothing else seemed to satisfy the craving. Jungkook filed it away in his mind to worry about later. Right now he had breakfast to make and get through, and the final briefing for the mission.

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