▪️▪️▪️CH. 32▪️▪️▪️

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"Come in, Jiminie," said Taehyung as he opened the door for the doctor.

Jimin stepped inside and immediately picked up on the tension in the air. He took a closer look at Tae's face and read the look of sadness and something else in his eyes. "Tae Tae? Is there something wrong?"

Taehyung sighed. "Yes and no."

"Kookie?" Jimin's voice held an edge to it.

"No, well, not really. Well, I guess so, but not with the baby."

"Taehyung, slow down here, you're not making any sense."


"Take a deep breath and tell me what the problem is."

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he began to explain to Jimin about the wedding arrangements and the seemingly brick wall they'd just run into.

"Jimin hyung, I don't know what to do. Kookie has his heart set on getting married and so do I. I don't want this child to be born to unmarried parents. Call me old fashioned if you like, but this..."

"I know, Tae." Jimin placed a hand on Tae's arm. "I don't think you're old fashioned for wanting to be married when your child is born, actually I think it's very responsible; not to mention sweet."

"But what can I do, Jiminie?"

Taehyung looked completely defeated. "I've scoured the internet, thought of anything and everything that I can but I still can't find a solution to the problem. If we get a celebrant or priest then they're going to know of Jungkook's condition and who knows what will happen from there. I know you can swear them to secrecy and all, but let's face it. Who wouldn't go blabbing about this? They stand to make a lot of money just from the story alone, and then people as well as scientists and such are going to hound us and take Kookie away to study him and all that shit.

I can't let that happen to him and the baby; I won't let it happen. But... I can't see any other solution and I don't particularly want to kill the priest or celebrant after the ceremony." Tae looked positively miserable. "I gave him my word that we would be married before the child is born... I won't break my word."

"Oh, Tae." Jimin pulled the young man into a hug, offering what comfort he could; then his face lit up. "Tae?"


"Tae, I think I may have just solved your problem for you."

Taehyung looked up into Jimin's eyes. "You have a solution to the problem hyung?"

"Yes, I think I do."

"Then tell me!" demanded Tae.

"Whoa, easy there, Tae!"

"Sorry, Jiminie. I guess I'm just so much on edge with trying to find a solution to this problem that I'm stressed out."

"How about having one of the hyungs marry you?"


"You can ask one of the hyungs to get ordained and officiate your wedding! They would just have to fill out some paperwork and pay a fee, I think. And who better to trust than the hyungs."

"Can we do that, I mean...is that allowed?"

"I can check for you if you like?"

"Would you, Jimin? If what you say is true then it could be the answer to our predicament."

"I'll be happy to follow up on it, Tae. Let me check Jungkook over now and I'll look into it first thing tomorrow. I'll let you know immediately if I have anything."

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